need opinions from the pregly ladies

edited July 2011 in Second Trimester
so I'm going back to last saturday to start. Saturdays are my long days at work, generally 11+ hours with only being able to sit maybe 30 minutes of the day. Last Saturday I bent over to pick something up at work and felt a stabbing pain maybe 5 or 6 inches above my belly button. It lasted maybe a second then reduced to a dull ache that spread from left to right across just above my belly button. It happened a second time that night. The next morning I was awoken at 450am by severe braxton hicks that plagued me until about 600am. It made my abdomin ache so bad to where the only thing that alleviated the pain and helped me doze on and off for a bit before work was a warm bath. The following days all it would take was just the slightest twist to make it feel like something sharp was poking me in the same spot I had the sharp spasm of pain. Friday comes along and the ache is gone. I feel great. Today it happens again, this time being enough pain that it brought tears to my eyes. I have a really high pain tolerance so it takes a lot for something to do that. So I give in and call the after hours line for my ob's office. When a dr calls me back all she tells me is that it's gas..and take mylanta or something. Really? I feel like it's something more. One thing I didn't mention to that dr is that I have a really active baby. She kicks and moves constantly. And I've felt her kicking strong for about two months now. Up until Tuesday that is. I've fell like there's been a decrease in movement from her and haven't really felt any kicks since then. Just back to the bubbly feeling of movement. Am I over analyzing this all? Could the little one just have changed positions so much I wouldn't feel the kicks as much? And what do you ladies thing about the gas thing? I do plan on calling Monday to talk to my actual ob and get her opinion.


  • Have you felt ten kicks in an hour?
  • edited July 2011
    It the past yes. Since Wednesday not so much. I'm lucky to count 4 or 5 very light kicks in just a few hours.
  • How far are you? You know your body best go to hospital or urgent care to get it checked out cause the only thing that can ease your mind is a professional opinion. Sometimes gas makes my belly hurt and sometimes I get pains you described but less intense it sounds like.
  • I'm 24w5d.
  • Thursday my hubby had asked me if I wanted to go to the er. I convinced him I didn't need to. A little update, I'm finally feeling her kick some more again. Strong enough I can feel it on the outside once more. That kinda settled some of my anxiety. I'm still going to call my ob tomorrow and talk to her about the pain. Especially since it happened again today. I mean, is it normal to have a constant ache across your upper abdomin?
  • @Island_Mommie2B What did they say it was for you?
  • Mhmm, it is. Don't want to ignore something and then have it become a huge issue. I'm waiting on my OB office to call me back now so I can talk to someone. Poor girl sounded stressed already on the phone. I guess there's many like me who waited out the weekend to call in.
  • They called me back finally. When I told them my symptoms they immediately asked me to come in :/ so I'm on my way!
  • And that's so the wrong face lol
  • After talking with the dr (one I've never seen before) he told me it could be gallstones and left me with a number to call to set up an u/s of that. I'm thankful it doesn't seem to be something more serious than that.
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