I have come accustomed to my little man's sleeping pattern and today its completely OFF! He's been non stop moving and rolling for the past 2 hours..... Is that a sign of labor or am I getting my hopes up?! :P
@sterling_mama im 38 weeks and 5 days and his movements have slowed recently because there isn't any room left! But today he's been rolling and jabbing!
I'm 37.5 and she moves so much it makes me nauseous, there is no room in there so its just rolling movements, its getting worse everyday so I completely understand
@AKmommy yea lately its been painful when he makes a drastic movement its feel like he's scratching my insides. I'm hoping he's trying to wiggle himself out!
I'm exactly 37 weeks today with our first baby and im getting the same feeling . I was also wondering how on earth my little princess could still move much?? Maybe shes small and still have room in me??