EXTRA active baby?

edited July 2011 in Labor
I have come accustomed to my little man's sleeping pattern and today its completely OFF! He's been non stop moving and rolling for the past 2 hours..... Is that a sign of labor or am I getting my hopes up?! :P


  • Heck idk. My lo never stops moving...unless I'm in a crowded place lol.
  • my Lilly has been a mover n a shaker since 17 weeks(now 22 weeks) if I don't feel her I think I would get worried. How far along are you?
  • @sterling_mama im 38 weeks and 5 days and his movements have slowed recently because there isn't any room left! But today he's been rolling and jabbing!
  • Proably trying to get down in position then. My sister is due in 3 weeks and she feels the same way .
  • I'm 37.5 and she moves so much it makes me nauseous, there is no room in there so its just rolling movements, its getting worse everyday so I completely understand
  • @AKmommy yea lately its been painful when he makes a drastic movement its feel like he's scratching my insides. I'm hoping he's trying to wiggle himself out!
  • I'm exactly 37 weeks today with our first baby and im getting the same feeling . I was also wondering how on earth my little princess could still move much?? Maybe shes small and still have room in me??
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