My friend is 7 monthss pregnant and she got told today that baby has a tumor in his hart and to much fluid in his body and that he has no chance of living. Should she go get a seccond opinion?
Oh yes! She needs to go talk to a few more people n also at seven months can't they deliver and do surgery? But really there r so many treatments for so many things out there anymore. Never take no for an answer and never give up
Awww... This is really sad! Its better to take 2nd opinion hun, we're talking about life here and not just anything. I'll include her and her baby to my prayers.
I'd definitely get 2nd and 3rd opinion!!!! And try not to get docs in same health system, their opinions may be biased because of their colleagues! Wishing the best for you and little one!!!
well i am very sorry and i will pray for them. i would def get a second opinion. i mean, if mom doesn't fight then i guess no one will ever know if baby could live.
Go for second opinion and when she goes tell her not to mention anything the other drs say tell her to tell the drs she just needs to get opinion on your babies health because she feel there is something wrong
I would for sure get a 2nd and/or 3rd opinion. I agree with zexy4da011. Just tell her to go in saying something doesn't feel right, but she doesn't know what and see what they tell her. She and her baby will be in my prayers