pelvic pain

I know its normal to have some pain but yesterday I was chaseing after my dog and I think I took too big of a step and it felt like I ripped apart my front of my pelvis. Is this posable? I am in so much pain and can barely walk. I think I will call the doc this morning to see what they think I should do but in the mean time what y'all thinking?


  • I don't think that's possible but it sounds like you're in a lot of pain. Could be any number of things. I would go to the e.r.
  • @blueberrysmom Thanks for you input
  • If u are hurting I would definatly call or go in hopefully they can make u feel better
  • Yeah if it still hurts after sleeping I'd call or go in.:)
  • maybe you pulled a muscle or stretched your round ligament too much. How far along are you? If it is too painful to move or walk, I would maybe go to the ER just to get checked out.
  • I had a couple of those. It made me cry. I can't move. Whatever position I was in before the pain,I have to stay in it until the pain goes away. It's horrible. I had called once and they told me to take a warm bath. And there was nothing else I could do @traci84lucas
  • I am 29 weeks and pregnant with # 3
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