having left abdominal pain any help?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I have been having this pain in my left side since last night about 10pm im still having it today and not sure what to do. This is my second child but I never had pain with my 1st. Im 17 weeks today.


  • I would call my doctor
  • Cyst on ovaries are common in pregnancies and that might be what is causing u pain I would get it checked out good luck
  • I had the same thing earlier this week. It was the worst when laying down. I took a hot shower ,drank lots of water ,just tried to relax as much as possible .I had no bloody discharge and I could still feel baby moving alot.I also noticed he was lumped up on my left side.If your really concerned definatly go to a Dr it wont hurt anything and will give you some peace of mind. Ps...my pain lasted 3days and im 25 weeks .
  • @angieface it does hurt alot more when im laying down so I try to stay up did you have any other symptoms with the pain?

    Thanks to you other to ladies!
  • No other symptoms except I peed a little bit more than normal....wich is alot
  • I had the exact same thing an just went to docs had a scan to check everything an it was fine. He told me lots of rest an no straining! X
  • @angieface I've been peeing alot as well.

    @pretty_princess_1 Thank you how long have you been having this pain and how far along are you?
  • I know my baby will knot up too on certain sides and it hurts he's been doing it since about 18wks. He would stay on my right. Now he likes my ribs. Im 2iwks today.
  • @babymaxisontheway im 17weeks and a few days now and its my left side I go to my doctor on march 11th so I can't wait to talk to him about it. But if it gets worse I will call to go in alot sooner. With my first baby I never was sick had any pain and with this one I just stopped getting sick at 16 weeks and then the pain came right after.
  • Hmm yea I would call just be safe. And about the sickness im still sick :-S even at 28 wks. It stopped at 20 and 24 came back ut at least its not as bad now. Well hope u feel better!
  • Yes I will do thank you:) I feel for you with all the sickness I could not even get off my couch. Hope you feel better a well!
  • Take a stool.softener ask at chemist should ease
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