baby not moving as much

edited February 2011 in Health
Ok I'm 22weeks and this is my second baby and from about 14weeks until two days ago I would feel him move a lot but lately I really have not felt him is this normal?


  • i was the same! when i hit around 22 weeks i didnt feel movement as much and got worried but everyone told me it was normal.
    when i went for my scan the person told me that baby is still small and there is a lot of water around it so the baby would have to make quite big movements for me to feel it. she told me by 24-28 weeks i would feel a lot more movement until baby got too big to move around.
    im now 24 weeks and have felt more movement this week.
    also look out for a patten in when baby moves i.e morning, night. if ur really worried talk to doc or midwife
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