Cleaning out my litte mans closet.

edited July 2011 in Just for Fun
Who here is in the process of cleaning out there Lo closet and packing away there clothes they have out grown? I'm packing up all his newborn and 0-3 months cloths and found myself crying. But its a good cry! Guess who's going shopping. :) Does anybody keep a hope chest for there boys? And if so what would you put in it. So far all I have is his coming home outfit, his knitted booties, gloves and hat.


  • Aww. Mines not big enough yet for me to clean out but I do have a 5 yr old that I do it for. He has a chest. His first coming home outfits, first binky, loads of pictures and albums. :( they grow up so fast.
  • well not for my baby.... she is not here yet. but my kids who are 5 and 6 yrs old i swear they have no wardrobe yet.
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