i need my pregly mommas loving support right now...

edited July 2011 in Relationships
I'm trying to write my letter to my soldier, and a confession is so much harder than I thought. There is so much I want to tell him, but I can't even write more than a page without feeling like the letter is inadequate or crying. Its not that I'm scared of him rejecting me... I'm almost afraid of him responding in kind, you know? And this puts me out there in such an exposed, raw way... I've never been highly guarded, but I am in some ways. I feel naked when writing this to him.... I guess I feel like it gives him power to completely break me...


Tried tagging everyone who took the time to read my story on that one post... sorry if I missed someone!


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  • If u don't let him know you will always live with that regret go for it girl get your true love :)
  • I agree with @mama0811. Just start writing. Even if it feels like your babbling or like it's just not right just right it out like you would in a journal. Let your heart guide your words.
  • Sometimes we have to be vulnerable we have to let them guards down even if the consequence is being broken its a risk you have to take but from what it sounds like he still cares for so let yourself open up and write as if it where a journal it don't have to make sense it just has to show your raw feelings.... Try this write down how u feel about him a list of just one word emotions of how he made you feel and of how he made u feel n then of how you feel now then write what u missed about him write about the things u used to do that you missed jot all that down then turn it into your letter
  • made you feel n how you feel now without him
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  • You did a Hell of a job tagging everyone lol I wouldn't have been able to do that one lol
  • I agree with the other ladies. You just need to let it flow or maybe just attach the post you put up here. If you don't, you'll never know. You are putting yourself out there, and you may end up hearing what you don't want to hear, but it could also possibly work in your favor. Whatever the outcome, at least you can move forward knowing that you gave it one last shot. He may be waiting to hear those words from you. You'll never know until you try. Good luck :)
  • I don't know exactly what your talking about either but if you don't do it you will always have it in the back of your mind "what if I did" trust me, I know how you feel. I've also been in your shoes and been. Even if it feels like your just talking n talking about what may seem like nothing keep writing. I hope everything works out for you!
  • Ok so I don't mean to sound like a fidelity add but what about all the what ifs in life tell him everything in order that u can remember so that if he comes back to you and u r both talking and u say something that u didn't put in the letter because u thought it might hurt him and it does so just be honest and I will pray that love provails letter writing dust*********** p.s. write it multiple times till its right
  • I wasn't tagged :( lol but being exposed and raw is a part of loving and living! I have read where some women are telling you to write till it feels right. I say send the first one because that is you without reserve and your feelings before you had time to start to shield yourself again!!! It's very apparent he still loves you dearly and you know the saying if you let it go and they come back it was meant to be. He let you go and now you are trying to come back! I say expose and be raw your heart and his deserve it!! Don't wait to long life goes by to fast not to have the one that completes you by your side!!!
  • @mshahir and @jamiesandefur The story can be found here:


    And thank you for your words, they mean a lot to me. :)

    @armywife3 @vayanna @rckprincess2 @bwhite55019 @2ndbutfirst @mama0811 Thank you oh so very much, ladies. Sometimes the letter just feels hopeless... but I know that I've just gotta get it out there.

    @momof22be I've started the letter 5 times now. lol. And thank you. :)
  • Which type of letter? To be with him or to not be with him? If its the letter to be with him write all how you feel amd lay all your emotions down on the table... Write from your heart either way you go..

    there's no rule that says it has to be 3 pages or less or that you have to write it all down perfect in one night. Start writing..let it flow. Go to sleep, read over and write more or add or edit. Go to sleep and read over ;)

    There is no great reward without great risk! You love him..a year from now don't be beating yourself up over what you could have done...do it!

    This may sound wacky but best part of him being there is you can't sit by the phone waiting and wondering..he will have plenty of time to read and reread your letter. And I guarantee he will reread it multiple times! Let him know in some way at the end the ball is in his court. And after you mail it and you finish your panic attack ;) breathe and let it go knowing you did what you could and stay busy. I really think the end result will be worth it :)
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  • I just read it and I believe you need to write him and tell him everything, like you did in the post. Express every little feeling you have. Don't let the man of your dreams slip between your fingers again. You will always regret it.. its easier to explain how you feel and get let down than sit and wonder what if I wrote the letter and explained everything? I truly hope everything works out for you. Make sure you express everything, you won't regret it! I bet it will feel like a weight lifted off your shoulders.
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  • I'm glad Hun and your welcome. :)
  • Its not giving him power to break you, its being honest with the man u love, as well as yourself, and giving him a chance to fully know the situation and decide for himself. Which, in my opinion, is the best way bc if he does decide to give it another chance it will be real. More real than you guys have probably ever known. And if fir some reason it doesn't work out I think that knowing in your heart you gave it everything will give you some kind of peace of mind.

    I haven't read what everyone else has written but I think a letter is sometimes the perfect way to get your point across. Reread it, add to it, take your time... and let your heart write the letter. ;;)

  • I just read your other post and i agree with all tge other girls. Just go with your heart you wrote that other part and i could tell it was all from your heart. When your writing him the letter start it off and walk away thing's always sound diffrent when your not staring at it for hours. He obviously cares about you or he wouldn't have had him mom call you and he wouldn't tell you there my be a future(i know those wernt his words). Tag me in your next post please i want to know how things go for you. I wish you the best.
  • Thats the thing about love... You open yourself completely and give them everypart of you and hope and pray that they accept you... Or in your case forgive you for being unsure if you could handle the seperation... But if you really love him like you say you do the only thing to do is give him everything... And hope he doesnt break you more but instead picks up ur pieces and puts them together and makes your break a beautiful piece of art that is love
  • Giving him the power to see you so exposed and to so easily break you is hard. Incredibly hard. But it will be much more difficult to go through life wondering what could've been. Laying your emotions on the table, raw and open like that will make you unbelievably vulnerable, but opening up and becoming that vulnerable may be the only way to find your way back to him. To love someone so strongly is rare. Do whatever it takes to get his love back. Try. Put forth 100% effort. The risk will be worth it either way. Just to know. Risk is a necessary part of life, doll.

    Go get him :X
  • I agree with whats been said already. Just write! Dont over think it. Let your heart do the work then maybe a quick edit and mail it fast!! You dont want to live with what if for the rest of your life. You have done that already. Now deep breaths! And good luck momma xx
  • My advice would be write it, let it sit for a few hours even over night read it again and edit it add anything or take anything out that you feel necessary. Do that till you feel the meters is exactly how you want it.
  • I too agree. Let your feelings flow. I know being vulnerable is a very hard thing to do. Especially when you don't know how he will react, but it's always best to try. You never want to live with those "what ifs" cause they will eat you up! I hope everything turns out great! I will keep you in my prayers. Good luck!! :)
  • @Mythica How has your letter been going, mama?
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