really doubting myself for delivering...

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I keep watching all these labour videos online and on tv and now i'm doubtful if I can even handle labour and delivery. I know your body knows what to do and can handle it but its my first child and I don't know how im going to do it. Am I the only one feeling this way?


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  • You can do it ....the human body is so amazing !!!! Your in for the most awesome experience of your life ..I think everyone no matter how many babies youve had gets kinda nervous. Especially cause of all the crap you see on tv or read on the internet.But after you look back youll know that that day is one of the happiest days of your life. I cant wait for my labor and delivery and to feel the magical emotions post delivery.Keep positive :)>-
  • I was only 19 when I had my daughter dr said I couldn't have an epi cuz id lose blood or something and possibly die. I'm thankful for that, I got to experience natural labor. The way I see it, if i could do it so young, no birthing classes, absolutely clueless lol I can do it now...four years later. Trust me ur can do it, it so worth it. Plus ur can brag to all the other moms cuz u have lady balls lol
  • Lol yeah I guess I can look at it that way
  • I was eighteen when I had my first and I was freakin out to girl I was induced so that night I'm in the hospital with my boyfriend who was fast asleep and all u heard all night was women screaming the next morning I was freaking out but as soon as it was time my body and mind just came together and got my through it. It is amazing you will be fine don't stress about it mostly all women go through it and were fine now I'm on my second and I don't even think about it I will tell you if you cannot tolerate pain get the epidural as soon as you get there because its intense without it good luck mami

  • Stop watching the videos!! I totally think they can psych you out.
    I was really scared about labour, but honestly, there's no avoiding it lol. Practice breathing techniques, take so.e assessing, & trust your body.
    I have faith everything will just click. I'm sure it will for you too!! :x
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