trouble on vacation (vent)

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
So I've been thinking all day about my relationship: if we'll be the same after baby comes or be closer or be tore apart, if I'll ever be happy knowing another female might share the same excitement as I do with having a baby by him. That I don't want him to think I just depend on him. No I don't work so all the money I have saved up is for paying bills and the baby I never get myself anything! I buy myself food and that's it. Anything else I'm getting it for my bf.
So we're on our vacation in Vegas and he's been paying for everything and I'm grateful as always and he just texted asked me if I order room service could I pay for it he will give it back to me just wants it to be here when he gets here. I told him no then right after I said I didn't have any cash (that's all they take). He texts back saying "babe really wow well do you want anything from down here" I hit my breaking point! Really you wow me like I'm just that broke its not that I can't afford a 25 dollar meal its that I don't have cash! I just can't take it anymore I don't want him thinking I just truly depend on him, I don't!
I just don't know what to do I can't stop from crying. I'm just so out of it. And he keeps texting me basically talking about having sex when he comes up and saying hes thinking about me and he loves me but I just feel so distraught that I can't really say anything sweet back.
Lord help me! :'(:'(


  • Its ok just when you have your baby apply apply apply for jobs so you can feel positive!!! I hope it works for you!!!
  • @mybabe thank you and I am I wish I could now.
  • Sell avon or something like that!!!
  • Don't you have to pay for the product first or something? @mybabe
  • Maybe its hormones? From his response I would have assumed the wow was for wow they only take cash being that its a hotel and in vegas.
  • Im not sure if so its really cheap I cant remember I did avon a couple of.yrs ago but I forgot...
  • I do if you like to writei cannake 60 a week with a few days of work a week.
  • @Mrs_shu sadly no, I know him and that's how he meant it because when he got my I don't have cash text he said alright.

    @mybabe oh okay I'll look into it.

    @ll10 I don't really like to write that much.

    @oregonmama I do all of that but he still wants me to work and so do I.
  • Maybe you can start working when the baby gets a bit bigger and then when he's off,he can watch the baby and when you're off you can watch the baby. Make your schedules fit into each other.
  • He does taxes so he only works January through April really. @excitedforbaby
  • I'm kinda confused... you said another female could share the excitement of having his baby??? Is someone else pregnant by him?
  • I am a sahm I do feel bad sometimes because it sucks to have to rely on anyone, I wouldn't take it as him thinking of you as broke or anything. That's something my hubby would say to me. I don't know how your relationship is or how long you've been together but after a while I'm sure he feels like he can make jokes about it or have some sarcasm. if I want something and hubby is bitching about money i say I hate being poor or something (knowing we are not) its just a joke to us. maybe he feels that he can joke around about and it shouldn't hurt you.
  • @second_time_mommy7 yeah there may be another girl having a baby by him she's only 2 weeks behind me.
    And it wasn't a joke. We've been together 7yrs this November. He's ALL about money! And I use to work and model before so I always had money but now I mean I still have money I just prioritize better now and he doesn't he still expects me to go out and buy him jordans every week or buy him rims for his car or just give him 500-1000 to play poker, and I'm not. I'm trying to save as much money as possible for the baby.
  • Oh I'm not sure I would handle that well... but then again it is kind of your fault if he is use to you buying his stuff. Don't get me wrong I use to love to get my hubby (before he was my hubby) nice things just because. But when you allow it to become something that expected of you it'll always be that way. I had an ex like that, it feels good to be able to give people nice things but I learned my lesson on it a couple years ago. it should be you were there for him when he was "down" and now he should be there for you all smatass ways set aside. He is lucky to have someone that 1 will stay with him knowing that be was with someone else 2 weeks prior and 2 that is willing to do to special things for him when able too. You don't deserve to be treated this way he should want to support you in every way. Is he involved with the other woman who could have his child?
  • @second_time_mommy7 yeah I don't know how his thought process works. And no, he's no longer talking to her just waiting until baby gets here to see if its his and if so sadly may get half custody.
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