I look forward to the day when _____.

edited July 2011 in Just for Fun
I look forward to the day when we can afford a king size bed so I don't have to stay up waiting for my DF to wake up for work at 8:30am so I can finally stretch out and go to sleep (this Full is soooo uncomfortable and the springs are killing my back).


  • I look forward to the day when our bedroom is ant free (ughhhh). Let alone the house...
  • And two more, I look forward to the day when our roommate washes his hands after using the restroom! Gah!

    (A good one) I look forward to the 30th when we get to see Soundgarden. :P

    What are you ladies looking forward to? Lol.
  • i look forward to my mil moving out!! and not ever moving back n..
    i look forward to having a house :)
    i look forward to much more!
  • I look forward to being able to sleep in whatever position I want again
    N holding my baby girl for the first time
    N getting back into our own place
    N getting rid of these aches n pains
    Lol there's a lot more I could go on forever Haha but those r at the top of the list
  • Lol. @mommakk88 I wish I could sleep in any position too! :-((

    How far along? Your bump is adorable.
  • I look foward to the day when my baby sleeps all night long!
  • Soon enough!
  • edited July 2011
    (Fingers crossed @Karla_with_a_K)
  • I look forward to sleeping on my tummy. Not having heart burn all day/night. Not bring so freaking emotional
  • I'm 38 weeks n one day :) that pic was when I was 26 weeks or so I believe... n thank u. I miss just being able to sleep however n toss n turn with ease now its such a choir lol n there is no getting comfy!
  • Lol. @Rossbabies I see the emotions as I am a 2 year old again throwing a temper tantrum. Or, I'm set off as easily as a kid dropping their ice cream on the ground. Wth!
  • @mommakk88 I hope you get SOME good rest after baby. Any signs she's coming soon? :)

    My DF keeps rolling over on me and cutting off the circulation to my arm. Trying not to shove him over too hard... Ack!
  • Last I heard I was 1 n a 1/2 to 2 cm dialated n over 50% effaced so hopefully some what soon. My fiance likes to hog the bed... he blames it on me but I only sleep for an hour or two before he wakes up so I know its bs lol n I can't get comfy anyways I was a tummy n back sleeper before n my hips hurt so bad now its hard to lay on my sides... n once I do get to sleep my fiance or dogs r waking me up lol o well I gotta get use to it. Good thing I'm good at running on little to no sleep
  • Sleeping on my stomach, no longer needing air conditioning on full blast, not peeing on myself at least once a day, being able to shave myself and see my feet and vajayjay again!
  • @mommakk88, maybe it's some kind of cruel excuse for practice before they get here? Lol. (:|
  • Lol I think ur onto something there! It has to be... that's ok though our little ones r way worth it :D
  • I think so, too. :)
    BD is gonna have a ruuuuude awakening. No pun intended. :P
  • Lol that they will my dad keeps saying well we r Guna find out exactly how much patients ry (bd) really has he has a very short fuse so it could be interesting it will for sure take him some getting use to
  • I look forward to meeting my princess and not have to worry if she's okay in there every second.. can't wait to have her here already!!
  • I look forward to the day I can poke my baby in the face without having to grope myself to find his head.
  • When I hold Blueberry and give him snuggles! :X
    When i get to hold my lil angel
    being able to take my baby girl places and spend mother daughter time
    having my body back
    being able to sleep on my stomach again
    being able to shave down there
  • I look forward to when me & the fiance have our own place!
    I look forward to having & holding my son!
    I look forward to buying my first car for Christmas!
    I look forward to my babyshower & maternity pics that im spending so much on!
    Finally i look forward to the set schedule ill have once i have my son cuz right now my life is CRAZY!
  • Lol @potato. Just lol. :P
  • edited July 2011
    Can't wait for the day I find a place to work that'll actually hire me even though I'm due around black friday. And doesn't give me crap for being pregnant...
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