I look forward to the day when _____.
I look forward to the day when we can afford a king size bed so I don't have to stay up waiting for my DF to wake up for work at 8:30am so I can finally stretch out and go to sleep (this Full is soooo uncomfortable and the springs are killing my back).
(A good one) I look forward to the 30th when we get to see Soundgarden. :P
What are you ladies looking forward to? Lol.
i look forward to having a house
i look forward to much more!
N holding my baby girl for the first time
N getting back into our own place
N getting rid of these aches n pains
Lol there's a lot more I could go on forever Haha but those r at the top of the list
How far along? Your bump is adorable.
My DF keeps rolling over on me and cutting off the circulation to my arm. Trying not to shove him over too hard... Ack!
BD is gonna have a ruuuuude awakening. No pun intended. :P
When i get to hold my lil angel
being able to take my baby girl places and spend mother daughter time
having my body back
being able to sleep on my stomach again
being able to shave down there
I look forward to having & holding my son!
I look forward to buying my first car for Christmas!
I look forward to my babyshower & maternity pics that im spending so much on!
Finally i look forward to the set schedule ill have once i have my son cuz right now my life is CRAZY!