walmart has to match babiesrus 5$ diaper price
In there price match rules,
If there is a babies r us by your local walmart, walmart has to match the price! Yay! Cuz babies r us is all out of the huggies! And I have coupons.
If there is a babies r us by your local walmart, walmart has to match the price! Yay! Cuz babies r us is all out of the huggies! And I have coupons.
@mommyb3 the price is way to good to pass up, myself I prefer pampers when they are little, huggies when older, but then also, huggies gives out way more coupons, so I find myself buying more huggies then anything. I'm only stocked up on pampers for new baby for maybe a month, then its allll huggies!
I think the jean diapers start at sizes 3 n up. The pure n natural ones (if you order online or go to babies r us) has then for newborn, 1 and 2.