tingling hands and feet...

edited July 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
Anyone else have it? It doesnt go away with movement. Just feels like they are falling asleep. @homebirthadvocate any thoughts? I'm 26+1


  • Sounds like maybe *someone* is sitting on your nerves.
  • Ive noticed it a few times with my right foot! Hate the feeling
  • I had it quite a bit around that same time. I drank lots of water cause I read it may be caused by swelling (which in this heat, is very likely), but it could also be that baby's just laying on the wrong spot for ya.
    I haven't had it for a couple of weeks now and I'm 31 weeks 2 days. Hopefully that helps!
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  • i get tingling in my hands and forearms and they also fall asleep, mostly when im lying down. Guess thats a circulation or nerve problem. My feet and legs tingle when im at the kitchen sink, thats really weird huh, lollol. but ive only noticed it at the kitchen sink!
  • I wake up with my hands tingling all the way up to my elbow, it could be because i usually end up sleeping on my back, i just roll over and my hands end up on my stomach. So it could be that i have a loss of blood flow when there up there im only 23 weeks to the day though but its just happend the last weeks or so every now and then
  • I get this at night while I'm asleep. My fingers hurt, and my hands fall asleep. Doc says I have to sleep elevated bc my nerves are being pinched or something like that.....yeah....very uncomfortable, but aparently its part of this wonderful package.
  • Pregnancy can cause carpal tunnel like sympyoms. My dr told me It happens because the extra fluid inside your body is being caught up around your veins in your wrists and ankles. I had it for like the last 3 months of my pregnancy. Mine got so bad at night that my whole arm would ache so bad that it woke me up:( And worst part is that theres nothing they can do. Im 2 weeks post partum and my hands are still a little tingly.they said it can take a lil while for it to go away
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