Last Ultrasound :^/ ?
Just curious August Mommies, or any Mommies who know. When WAS or WILL your last Ultrasound be before baby ? I'm asking because I'm 35weeks2days &nd at 29 & 31weeks, my babyGirl was Breech, but my Doc wasn't worried then. I wanna know if she still is & around how many weeks do the Docs. usually start discussing a CSection if so.
@August22baby , I go back next Monday, & he didn't schedule an Ultrasound for my 36weeks appt., maybe he'll schedule one next week & if not, I'm asking.
@exciredforbaby , I went today &nd he checked to see if I was dilating any &nd I wasn't. All he said was, "Well you aren't dilating, which is good right now. Baby's head is still high." But Again, I'll ask at the next visit.
@frogingrovin , Hopefully I get one at 37weeks also.