Calling to set my induction tomorrow..
So many emotions fill me with this, I can't wait to see my little man for the first time. Is it wrong to schedule it though? Some people seem to think so, I was due July 21st, and was only a finger tip dilated on July 20th and 50% effaced. Some people keep saying he will come when he's ready, but the doctors predicted he would be 7.5-8lbs when I made it to the 40 week mark. I don't want the epidural though, which is something I decided way early on, but is it wrong to schedule the induction? I'm just afraid of hurting him..
My mom tries to tell me if my son doesn't come that I just need to wait n know when his "real bday" is... uh NOT GONNA HAPPEN! ITS HOT N IM RDY TO MEET MY LIL MAN.
its great that some people think that inducing isn't "right" but the problem is it's their opinion not yours just like its your baby not theirs!
<):) us mommies make the rules around here
I had this after a week of being overdue they came back fine but I proceeded with an induction. After 8days he was still stubborn, and I had to push for 4hrs! I am now wondering if delivery would have been easier if I waited up to 42weeks.
Have you tried walking or other natural induction methods?
@loveourlittleone he's fully developed and they had estimated him at 8lbs by the 40 week mark. I have tried walking, sex and spicy food. I was only a finger tip dilated and 50% effaced last week, cervics were already soft at 36 weeks.