what am i doing wrong

edited July 2011 in Breastfeeding
I'm breastfeeding and though it was difficultat first but I have gotten the hang of it pretty much.but I want to be able to pump so my hubby can help feed, and so I have bottles for when we're out and about. I have a medela double electric pump i've tried for the last two days to pump but everytime I try nothing comes out. I'm leaking so I know there milk there and if I push on them milk comes out and breastfeeding is going well so what's up and suggestions appreciated!


  • Keep it there lobg enough for tnr nipples to b stimulated.. Make sure the pump is at an angle where milk can flow down use the breast u didnt last dont express at night do it in morning... Good luck!!
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  • Make sure the pump defo has suction
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  • It's very important to manually massage your breast before pumping. Also, @HomeBirthAdvocate is correct on the best time to pump. But, they say it's better to wake up naturally to pump rather than set an alarm. I usually pump at around 3am when I get up to use the restroom. I also take Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle herbs and I drink 3 cups of Mothers Milk Tea a day to improve lactation. I pump about 35 oz per day plus what my baby eats when she nurses. She's just over 2 weeks old. Good luck and let me know if it helps!
  • Thank u for your responses I have tried between feedings and after also tried in morning and evening but haven't tried late @1 or as early as 5 can see it stimulating the nipple. But its not suction so my whole breast is stuck to it.just can see nipple pulling didn't know there came in diffrent size how do I know what size I need. @fate had never heard of any of those things what are they and where would I go to get them? Thank you again@homebirthadvocate @hayz_baby @fate will look into all tommorrow and will let u know how it goes.
  • Try a hot compress before pumping also.
  • @jcmommy thanks will try that also.
  • You can get them at GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, any place that sells herbs. They worked within 24 hours within me. :)
  • Thanks Will look @ sprouts today while i'm out and about @fate
  • Let me know how it works out for you. :) Breastfeeding takes practice, and pumping takes even more. Lol.
  • I air pump 30 minutes on each even though nothing was coming out it helped my milk supply and in about to weeks I was pumping four oz. From each good luck mamma
  • Lol thought pumping would be cake after figuring out breastfeeding. Guess not thanks for all the help @fate
  • @stevenjsalas_mommy thank going to look to see if I have the right size but will do that once I know the fitting is correct.
  • @fate @homebirthadvocate. @Hayz_baby Just wanted to update. You they don't sell the right size shield for tha pump in my area so I have to special order it from medela and have them ship it. Had another question. Just found out that xavier is possible dairy intolarent so taking all dairy out of diet. Which is why it took so long for me to get back with you guys having a little one that you can't put down has been challenging. But back to? are the supplements that @fate suggested ok to take or should I talk with the pediatrician about it before I start taking them just afraid if he has intolerance to dairy he might have intolerance to something in supplements!thanks again for all the help
  • They are all herbs. Mother's Milk Tea is specially designed to improve lactation. That's it's only use. I'll post a pic of the box so you can read the whole thing. The Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle are in the tea as it is, plus anise. Hang tight and you'll see the pic.
  • Take a warm shower first. My mom says she could never use a pump she started doing it by hand and got to the point that she could get 8 oz on each breast 8 times a day.
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  • Thanks @homebirthadvocate @fate. He is finally calming down and sleeping. He's a whole lot less fussy today. Acually napping a little bit hopefully this is a turn for the better @octoberonly can't imagin doing it by hand will try the shower hopefully will get the pump part monday or tuesday. Will let you know how it goes when I get shield.
  • @homebirthadvocate @ fate wanted to let you know that I got the part for breastpump and mothers milk still having problems pumping have been calling around for lactation consultant. Thanks for all your help
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