Kinda sad.... Scheduled my tubal ligation...

and then I broke down in tears! I know that we don't want to have more children (we have 3)... Hell, the little girl we just had 3weeks ago wasn't planned, but the thought of never carrying another baby makes me so sad. Ugh... I don't know if I'm still just being hormonal... it's just that it's so permanent and final!

Am I crazy?!


  • edited July 2011
    have him snipped instead!
  • If ur having second thoughts maybe u should hold off for a while. My mom did it after she had my lil sister which is her 4th child, and she regrets is so much bcuz as she got older she wanted another child. I mean even tho shes in her 40s n wont have one she would like the option to tho
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  • That's why I won't consider it even knowing how much I hate pregnancy lol. Luckily I have really good luck with implanton so ill be going back on that after Bunny is born.
  • Ladies, this is permanant sterilization def. Don't do it if your 100% not sure. I had mine done July 4th and am completely thrilled I don't have to worry about having an unplanned pregnancy every 10years. If I were u gals I would get another option for a year, then re examine the tubal idea.
  • I know how you feel I'm having one if I have to have a c-section otherwise he's getting snipped.
  • I'm not evn considering it either its to permanent for me .
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  • Thanks ladies! I am so glad that I'm not alone.

    @BabLuv8 - My husband won't get snipped! But he has been extremely supportive. He told me that it's 100% my choice and that I shouldnt do it if I'm unsure. I think I will leave it on schedule and take the next few weeks to make my final decision.
  • Dont do it if ur sad about it. After we had our third, we said that was it... No more! 2yrs went by and we decided we wanted a forth. So here we r ttc baby #4. ;)
  • @mommyof3girls - thanks... I have to do some serious thinking. I may decide to cancel it. Hope you get baby#4 soon! :)
  • There are other options. Get something like an iud or implanon.
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