First aid for children

edited February 2011 in Parenting
Just wanted to share that I has first aid for children training today. We learned some basic things like what to do when a baby or a small child is choking, unconscious or is bleeding severely. Did you know you should not hold a child upside down when choking? Also we practiced with dolls, which is a bit different then just reading or listening - I did not do anything right at first!

Anyway it was fun and it feels good to know about this stuff. If you want to learn a bit about this yourself, you could google for a local training. Also I found some info at a British website: - baby aged up to one year


  • I just got re-cerified two weeks ago. I had a great first aid trainer. She recommended that, when you have an infant choking, its easier to lean the baby on your upper leg than to just hold them in the air if it's a big baby.
  • Thanks martin! You rock
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