maybe, maybe not...

edited July 2011 in Second pregnancy
so I went in today for my 37 week check up...everything was going fine until the dr pulled out the ultrasound machine...first cuz he was having a hard time finding the heartbeat, weird considering in huge, second cuz the baby has barely moved these last couple of days, and cuz I mentioned I have a lot of the hiccup he says to me, go to the hospital we need to monitor the baby to see whats going on...and if things arent the way we want them to be he needs to come he goes and calls the hospital to let them know I am on my way....??????? should I be worried...hmmmmm let me think YES im worried, I cant stop wondering if he is ready to come out.......


  • Omg, good luck x x
  • Good luck hun
  • Good luck sweetie. Prayers and positive thoughts!
  • well if things are looking a little on the strange side it might be best for baby to be born. and i would say that's a good thing since you let them know and they listened and looked further into the situation.
    on a happier note- if things look to be ok you got to see your baby and will get to hear them a little more!
  • Idk if I should be mad or not, but they did the heart and contraction monitor and did an ultrasound on the baby and everything looks just fine, hes just lazy and doesnt move alot.....but what bugs me is that they didnt check me to see if I was next appointment is on tuesday.....but on the other hand im just glad hea good and I got to see him on the screen.......and yes im really glad my dr listened to me when I told him about decreased fetal no baby anytime soon....
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