I took an aht and.....
Well, I started on BC on Sunday because we are leaving for FL on Friday for a week and AF was suppose to visit that hole week. I said forget that I am not going to let her ruin my vacation!! So I took some of my BC pills I had from before I had my MC which was in March. They were making me sick (which they did before) so I didn't think anything of it. Well, I have been having major cramping, brest tenderness, etc. Didn't think anything of it. I took the BC Sunday and Monday called my doc and had them call me in a new script for some other kind of BC. Well, they didn't have it in yesterday (thankfully) so I was suppose to pick it up today. Well, for some odd reason I went to the wonderful Wally world and bought a 5 pack of digital tests. Well, I had to leave this AM and didn't have a test so I peed in a cup and put it in the fridge (I know gross but doc told me to do it). Well, When I got home I took it and it was a BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I about died!!! I looked at it first and hid it and went out to my fiance and said OMG go look. @OrgegonMama I'm SO happy!!! I told you I'd let you know asa I found out!!!! I have a doc appt tomorrow for blood work bc I have been having cramping really bad. And the doc said that if I got prego again I needed to get in asap. So I am going tomorrow. I'll keep every one UTD!!