I took an aht and.....

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Well, I started on BC on Sunday because we are leaving for FL on Friday for a week and AF was suppose to visit that hole week. I said forget that I am not going to let her ruin my vacation!! So I took some of my BC pills I had from before I had my MC which was in March. They were making me sick (which they did before) so I didn't think anything of it. Well, I have been having major cramping, brest tenderness, etc. Didn't think anything of it. I took the BC Sunday and Monday called my doc and had them call me in a new script for some other kind of BC. Well, they didn't have it in yesterday (thankfully) so I was suppose to pick it up today. Well, for some odd reason I went to the wonderful Wally world and bought a 5 pack of digital tests. Well, I had to leave this AM and didn't have a test so I peed in a cup and put it in the fridge (I know gross but doc told me to do it). Well, When I got home I took it and it was a BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I about died!!! I looked at it first and hid it and went out to my fiance and said OMG go look. @OrgegonMama I'm SO happy!!! I told you I'd let you know asa I found out!!!! I have a doc appt tomorrow for blood work bc I have been having cramping really bad. And the doc said that if I got prego again I needed to get in asap. So I am going tomorrow. I'll keep every one UTD!!


  • Thanks.... Weve been ttc since march. I hope you get a bfp soon your self hun. Idk what to think. It happened when we have up honestly.
  • edited July 2011
    Lol yeah dont jump up, and down I dont want little baby hurting. Thank you so much!!! Im super excited but im scared to death. Idk if I could take another miscarriage or not...
  • OMG Congrats!!! That is awesome :)
  • YAY :D Happy time!
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  • edited July 2011
    @oregonmama I think I am going to tell them the same thing!!! So happy for you that you now have over come your past and grown farther along wkth this one. I really appreciate your alls support. It really means a lot to me!!! This was a result of our weekend get away lol when we got engaged. Ops.... Lol I try to remember to take my prenats bc doc told me to continue to take them but its hard. Lol bc pills were even hard to remember to take. My fiance he said hes trying to show no emitions. Idk how to take that. I want to get excited but then again I dont want my hopes let down either. I know hes scared too. But a little bit of assurance would feel good to know hes happy. @usmcwifemommy yes it will make 7 lol... He has 2 I have 4 and we would have another one together. I absolutly love kids! We have actually talked about having another on to make it an even 8 or 10. They come cheaper by the dozen lol tee hee. I hope that they do an ultrasound tomorrow so I can see for sure. Im a little worried bc ive taken niquil , cramping badly, ive not been able to get sleep much at all. Ive been so stressed out as well. I hope I have a sticky baby!!! Oh and @oregonmama I still own u that letter that I wrote to my son when I had my m/c. im excited for tomorrow but also scared. :-S thanks again ladies. Im excited to join the ddc. My How est. D.d. Would be april 8th lol 3 april babies! how did I get so lucky lol. My son and daughter was born on april 17th. they share a bday. My son wasnt due until may but came early.
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  • Good luck mama! Congrats! Stickey dust*****
  • Congrats to u and the lil bun.
  • Thanks yoi all! It means a lot. Im excited I really am but still the thought in the back of my mind! Im super excited to start up some new discussions about my experiences and issues etc.
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