Just bought my Evening primrose oil!

Ok ladies just got the approval of my doctor, I can start EPO when my hubby returns from Florida tomorrow!!!! Can someone tell me how it works, what I need to do and your opinion on if it works?!?! Also I will be scheduling my induction next Tuesday, for the following Tuesday August 9th if I haven't had her ! 2 more weeks MAX until I get to hold my princess! If you have any good induction stories id love to hear them also!!!


  • Whats epo? I feel dumb.
  • haha I was going to ask too but thought Id wait to see what other ppl say lol
  • edited July 2011
    @jamie77 don't feel dumb, idk what it is either..

    And congrats!! im going to more than likely be induced monday!!! i was induced last time with my daughter
  • It's evening primrose oil... I did the same thing last week, but everyone refers to it as EPO.
  • edited July 2011
    @second_time_mommy7 Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i get it.. lol @jamie77 @heyitsme now its time for us to feel dumb.. lmao
  • Sorry.. don't feel dumb I don't understand half the pregly slang and as soon as I start to figure it out there is new slang lol I've been trying to figure out DH forever...
  • Lol!! Hope it works!!
  • @second_time_mommy7 OMG thats one i actually know... Its dear husband!!! lmao
  • Oh yay!!! Thank you!!! I don't have a dear husband I liked it better when I thought it meant dickish husband!
  • @second_time_mommy7 hahahah!!!!!!! yessssssss!!! I so agree, omg.. i agree too much. lol
  • ok im new ti the third trimester so what is that oil and what doea it do? did yourdr give it to you or reccomend it or did you find it yourself... I AM SO LOST lol I need a smiley with a big fat L on the foreheadfor loser!
  • I was told to actually insert it into your va jay jay the oil that is w/o the capsule. Like clip the capsule put it inside your vag and then squeeze it. Thats what I did with my youngest and he was born within the week. And I have also done it with this one and dialated to a 3 in one week.
  • The oil has prostaglandin which the hormone semen has. Its not used to induce labor but to dilate and thin out ur cervix. Wen ur in labor it should make it easier for u to dilate. U csn either insert them vaginally, take em orally, or both
  • @3rdtimemomma @excitednewmom how many do I need per night/day?
  • How many wks r u??
  • N how many mg is each capsule?
  • @excitednewmom did your dr tell you to get it? & where did you get it? I never heard of it but im a ftm and I only just started my 3rd trimester
  • @moodymommie it is oil capsules that help to soften your cervix to prepare it for labor. you can buy them at Walmart. your doc will probably not recommend them I found out about them from pregly! You can start taking them orally at 34 weeks and inserting them vaginally at 36 weeks.make sure you ask your doctor first though... I don't know how many to take or any of the details just when and where lol
  • @moodymommie she didnt suggest it but i told her i was takin it n she was completely ok with it. I started taking it at 34w but i would only take 1000mg at a time which is 2 capsules (orally). Then at 36wks i started taking 3-4 capsules (mostly 4 a nite tho) vaginally. How many wks r u?
  • Yea u can get it ay walmart. I got mine at gnc. Also they sell it at target, rite aid, walgreens, cvs, etc.. wherever they sell vitamins u can find it
  • @excitednewmom I'm 37 weeks and they are 1000mg
  • @second_time_mommy7 my mw suggested 1000 mgs til i hit 36w then i can use up to 2000mgs. It depends on how mgs ur capsules r. Mine r 500 each. At 36w u should use em more vaginally bcuz they r thought to work better that way
  • @second_time_mommy7 my mw suggested 1000 mgs til i hit 36w then i can use up to 2000mgs. It depends on how mgs ur capsules r. Mine r 500 each. At 36w u should use em more vaginally bcuz they r thought to work better that way
  • @second_time_mommy7 my mw suggested 1000 mgs til i hit 36w then i can use up to 2000mgs. It depends on how mgs ur capsules r. Mine r 500 each. At 36w u should use em more vaginally bcuz they r thought to work better that way
  • Sry about posting the same comment, i have a stupid touch screen phone. But if i were u i wpuld insert 2 each nite vaginally @second_time_mommy7
  • Ok thank you! I can't wait for hubby to get home so I can start using them!!! Have you had any luck with them?
  • Np. I actually didnt get checked last week but i have an appt tmr so i will def update u and @jay_brad bcuz she is also taking them lol. O n since ur man will be around y dnt u insert them n then have sex? Only if ur able to tho. My bf n i use em during sex so his semen is a plus. Its also great lube.
  • @excitednewmom I seen a few women say that they do that but was to embarrassed to ask. Do I puncture the capsules or just put it in and go at it. Also does it stink or feel gross?
  • Lol dnt be girl bcuz im not too embarrassed to share. For foreplay he can puncture one n massage ur cervix with it. Then u can puncture another n rub it on his manhood n then go at it. Thts how we do it. Or u can jus insert them rite before hand without puncturing, they will still dissolve in there. Its completely up to u
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