edited July 2011 in Pregnant
So I been having them...It started out every 20-30 mins now its been 10 mins for the past hour...Its not painful...well I'm in pain bc I work on my feet all day bending and twisting my body so when I get home all the pressure when I sit down hurts in my pelvic area..But thats how it is everyday.. Im 33weeks and 2 days..What should I do.....I think I'll be fine by morning but I guess I have this feeling I might give birth early (2nd pregnancy)....I know its weird but can our body tell if we are going have our babies early...like its in our motherly nature.


  • edited July 2011
    I go thru da same thing all da time, dey say yu shld call but I wld be v calling everyday in my case, I have an appt dis friday so I'm guna mention it and try to see if dey will check if im dialated, I'll be 36wks1day in friday...
  • I would try to soak in the tub. I'm 28 weeks with my second pregnancy. I get horrible braxton Hicks too soaking and walking seem to help. As long They aren't to consistent with no loose stool, spotting or leaking I just rest & relax. But trust ur body and listen to your gut. I also drink 2 bottles of water and lay down on my left side with a pillow in between my thighs. Best wishes momma...ur at the home stretch. ;)
  • do dey have a pattern or r dey random??? I wld call if I were yu just to be safe mine stay very random and after drinking something & laying on my left within da hr dey will stop
  • 32 weeks 5 days I have been to ld twice in the past week over this... They tell you to call if your having more the six an hour... Well mine were around 9 min apart I went in they hooked me to a machine and two hours later said it was just bh.
    If you feel more comfortable calling just to be sure then call!! My nurse finally told me just press pound and ask for me because I call so much.
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