mc symptoms?

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
Ok, I bled last night for a short while, only when I wiped. Was ok for the rest of the night and all day today. I did an hour of cleaning and now I'm bleeding again. I dont feel cramping, only like a faint 'burning' sensation. Not like period cramps. The blood is bright red, no clots yet, and so far only when I wipe. I'm so scared. I had blood drawn for progesterone levels this afternoon and in the morning I have an us scheduled.


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  • Lots of rest. I bled for 2 weeks. Dr said my cervix is heavily covered in blood vessels. Take it easy until u go to the dr.
  • I went thru the same thing last mnth. I have been on bedrest ever since.. im 5mnths dr said i could have bby anytime if i dont take bedrest seriously!! Prayn everything goes well for you... oh and dr told me... NOoo sex!!
  • @mama_kat I know you did...but my house was a mess :( I'm relaxing now (as in my body, not my head)
  • SShould mention I'm 8 weeks. God this is so stressful!!! Trying to keep it together for my hubby and munchkinbut! Just want to bawl my eyes out!!
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  • @mama_kat they said to put my feet up and push fluids and if anything gets worse then call them back. But if it gets worse ill call them on the way to the hospital!
  • @eaparker & @betty did you have any cramping with the bleeding? I'm now feeling a dull pain in the tops of my thighs and in my abdomen, but I also have a tilted pelvic bone and when my muscles stretch too much it feels like this too. That combined with the gassiness I can't determine what if anything I'm feeling. That's the worst part. Just peed and there is no more blood.
  • Same thing happen to me, dr told me its cuz cervix is sensitive....was probably caused by having sex. Said it was normal.
  • @mzgarcia_july_baby
    I haven't had sex since Saturday.... :(
    I appreciate everyones positive stories !!! Its helping me relax, even though it seems I'm still freaking. I'm not crying, so that's good. Deep breath!!!!
  • Yes, i did have minor crampn.....
    Please take care and stay in bed.... for your lil one that is fightn to stay n d oven....
  • I did have cramping
  • Eaparker.... were u put on bedrest?
  • @katlilly- get lots of rest and don't stress I'm sure everything will be okay hun. Think positive.
  • @Betty @eaparker did you have any type of clots? I've had 2 small squished pea sized ones. One last night and one tonight. I'm going in to the hospital. I just need to know. I can't wait
  • edited February 2011
    I bled one day. I passed an eggsize clog.. I had lower backpain 2dys before.. then rushed me to ER.. dr said cervix was closed and bby was fine... Stopped bleeding after that day... Ive been on bedrest for 1mnth... But i feel ok... prayn for u girl... keep me posted
  • Is it when u pee or coming mg out like period?? If Ure burning when u pee it could be a bad kidney/bladder infection
  • @Betty thank you so much. Its making me feel so much better. I really appreciate all the pregly love!! I am usually strong for others, but I am feeling very defeated.
  • Had some small clots. Was put on bed rest until i was cleared with ultrasound.
  • @Ashleyr0512 its when I wipe and when I pee I can see a drop or two in the water. Its very thin. There's no burning when I pee. (Not from peeing, period like)
  • Its hard to rest when you're pounding fluids and need to pee every 30 minutes!
  • You ONLY have permission to go pee and back to bed..
    Right pregly momies?
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  • Don't stress. That'd the worst thing u can do. Yes itcould possibly be the symptoms of a m/c BUT it could be a lot of completely normal and fixable things
  • Thanx Mama kat
  • Do I have permission to go to the hospital? :D yea, yes I do. Almost there
  • Good luck and have faith:)
  • A lot of rest an no sex. Sex made me loose my baby back in 2009
  • Wow really Roxanne? How far were you?
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