Well I found out last night that I have Placenta Previa. I work on a Maternity unit and I asked my PA friend if she could do a US to find out the sex. (Im 17w 4d) well the baby was in a bad pos. & it was super active so she couldnt see anything. She also saw that the placenta was lying on my cervix but since shes not my dr. she couldnt really go into it, she just let me know. This morning I googled it and read up about it some more. I want to call my dr. but the office is closed right now. Im not sure how to approach her about it either. Im hoping she wont be mad that I went somewhere else 2 get one done. Some dr. get annoyed when other ppl fund out things about whats going on without it being medically necessary. But I dont want to just sit around and accidentally go into preterm labor from not taking precautions.

Has anyone experienced this?


  • My best friend just did. She was actually air lifted by helicopter twice for bleeding & ended up having an emergency c section. I think the first time she bled she was like 24 weeks, then again at like 33, then they made her stay in hospital, she started bleeding again like a week later in the hospital & they did the c section.I would just call your doc right away, I wouldn't worry about what they think of you going somewhere else.
  • Also, I think if the placenta isn't all the way across the cervix it typically corrects itself? That would be nice. Either way, it will be good to know this soon & have your doc check it out, good luck!
  • I had placenta previa all the way up to my 3rd trimester. I am now 36 weeks and it hasnt moved up. My dr told me that most of the time the placenta will move as the uterus grows.
  • I had placenta previa at about 12 weeks and at 20 weeks it had moved up. I wad on bed rest, went to ER for heavy bleeding/cramping. I was able to go back to work. Don't be afraid to ask if you have more questions...
  • @BabyBubba123111....I have placenta previa but I am one of the lucky ones to have had NO bleeding at all. I have had all 3 stages of it and lucky since I am almost near the end of my pregnancy, my placenta is slowly moving. I had an ultrasound monday(vaginal & normal) so my dr could look at my placenta and she was amazed at how much it had moved. It is still low but it is 1 inch away from being in the safe zone. Please don't freak out mama, not all women bleed. From what my dr told me is that if the placenta doesn't move by the time you deliver then you will definatley have a c-section. I am 34 wks and I am scheduled to have mine at 39 wks. Also, I am on bedrest. With this condition they will put you restrictions: no heavy lifting, nothing strenuous and no sex. Hope this helps ease your mind a little. Good luck hun.
  • I do, but my dr said not to worry sometimes the placenta moves up on it's own.
  • I had placenta previa complete with my first. that dag on thing covered my cervix the entire pregnancy until 37+2 wks! That was my determining ultra sound. I wasn't allowed to have sex and was on bed rest starting at 24 wks. it was a major pain in my side, it was! but all was well. i never went into preterm labor, i had minimal bleeding at one point, but it was just weeee bit.
    i would call your doc and say you had a u.s. done and you were told you have placenta previa and want the doc to take a look.
  • Thanks ladies. I fell asleep right after posting this thread. I was a little worried so I went to sleep. I was just woken up by a call from my dr.! ( I didnt call the office yet because I fell asleep) Everyone knows if your dr calls you, most of the time it isnt good. Well I recently took a blood test for down syndrome. She called abd said my results came back very high which isnt normal for someone my age (27) So she recommend me to a genetic counselor to weigh my options (having an amniocentesis done or not) I am not thrilled to have that dont AT ALL. Now my stomach hurts (thats what happens when Im nervous.) Im not freaked out about my child possibly having ds (if it were missing an arm THEN I would be freaked out) Im just a little disaplointed and scared. Ive actually started crying while Im typing this. I dont even know what to think right now. Im think Im more scared to tell the father. I have work later and Im actually considering calling out because of this.

    As far as the Placenta Previa goes while I had her on the phone I asked her about it. She said its common and it should move up as the baby grows like some of you said. She told me not to lift anything heavy and refrain from sex. But honestly thats on the back burner right now. I just feel so hurt. When I told the father and my mother I was pregnant they wanted me to abort, and I almost did. I couldnt do it though, I really wanted this child, now I have to deal with this? I know the blood test doesnt definately mean my child will have it but just knowing its a possiblity is driving me nuts. Ok I need to calm down and stop overreacting. Im going to go and lie down.
  • Sn- the father made a complete turn around. He's accepted the baby now and has even proposed to me. I just hate to think what he could possibly think in his head after I tell him like " I knew she should have through with it" if I found that out I would be devasted if he still felt that way. I may not even say anything to him.
  • My placenta was lying on my cervix at 17 weeks also. When I went to my next check up they checked again and it was still there. After that one, they checked again and it had moved so I really wouldn't worry about that right now.
  • Most of those tests have a false positive result I think like 80% but they can do a deeper scan just to make sure my sisters best friend had a false positive she had the depeper scan done and they still couldn't tell her for sure but her baby was just fine best of luck Hun praying for you both =;
  • @momof22be is right, the quad screen has a crazy high rate of false positives and all it tells is the risk of downs, not that it is actually there...ask about doing a thorough anatomy scan, they can look for the physical markers of downs first before jumping in to do an amnio...hang in there!
  • there are always false positive with those tests. and you can, if you chose to, refuse the amnio as well as the genetic counselor. that's very difficult to deal with, all of the stresses you have going on.
  • Sorry wrong smiley O:)
  • That is the reason I dont get thoes tests done. Cuz of the risk of false positives. As for the rest good luck and I hope for the best for you.
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