I have been feeling my baby move before. I think. But yesterday and this morning I havent felt anything at all. I dont want to not go in if I should. I am waiting for a call back from my doctor right now.
I am 21 weeks. I am a little overweight but not much. I havent felt the baby on the outside. I just feel it inside and it feels like a little flutter sometimes.
I have been told you don't really worry about the baby not moving alot until 28 weeks. By then you should definitely feel the baby and know when they are most active
Baby still small enough to not feel all the time. Are there certain positions you sometimes feel something? I'm a few weeks ahead of you and when I sit on the back steps with my knees bent(knees and feet on same step) I usually feel a couple punches or if I lay down on my right side. Everyone aways says left side(blood/oxygen flow) but for me I never feel anything when I'm on my left side. Have you thought about getting a fetal monitor? There are some places you can rent them inexpensive and its a big comfort to lots of moms.
Sometimes baby has a day or 2 especially that early where you can't feel them because of how they're positioned. S/he also may just be having a lazy few days. My little one just gave me a scare fri & sat (I'm 35 weeks) cuz I usually feel him all day except for a few naps here and there and I basically felt nothing past fri evening...dr said the heat can sometimes cause them to calm down and I did a kick count for 2 hrs they said the number was fine and sure enough, Sunday he was back to his old dancing self. But if you're that worried don't let them talk you out of going in. Hearing the heartbeat or getting an u/s is the only thing that'll reassure you completely.
I did start to feel someother movements. I did not go in the doctor told me it would be a while before I would have movements all the time. My friend who is due same day said she doesnt feel hers all the time eitber. Thank you for your help.
i stopped feeling this baby move for about a week at one point because she was facing towards my back and kicking my back and i couldnt feel it at all but she was still moving just as much
At this point, think of it as a kicking vacation. I'm at 22 weeks today and he is kicking up a storm! It's so nice when he takes a break though. Lol. Glad your doc got that cleared up and I hope you don't continue to worry.