v back anyone?

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Ok I will be having a v back I'm a little nerves. My doctor thinks the risk is less then the risks that come from a c section. So I would like to talk with someone who will also be having or who has had a v back.


  • I want a vbac I hope I can I need my baby to turn
  • @momof22be I hope you are able to get what you want! I'm glad Im able to have a vback the recovery is going to be so much better then a csection.
  • How bad was your c Sec?
  • @momof22be It was bad for me because the healing was painful and I had two year old to take care of at home. And I was so much pain meds it felt like I was out of it for two days. With my first he was natural and I was up and walking the next day.
  • I had a sucessful vbac. Let me know if you have any questions.
  • I have only one child so I have never experienced a natural birth my c section was bad my son was stuck and they had to push him outing had like 8 bruses around my belly and where I was cut got infected I was down for a week I really want to experience it all like my water breaking on its own and being able to push her out myself and to be able to see her right after delivery I didn't see my son for 2 1/2 hours and they had me walk then as well but I was down for 2 days after that and then when I got home that's when I was down for a week I just want a vbac so bad @menemami so I was wondering if your vbac was your first vaginal birth?
  • i was hoping for a vbac but my baby is transverse (laying sideways) so its a repeat section for me :(
  • @momof22be that is not a nice experience. I do hope you can vbac successfully. my first was a cs and my daughter was vbac. I went into labor on my own with both my water broke on its own and I had an epidural with both. The reason I had a cs with my son was because his heart rate dropped very low. it was not a great experience for many reasons, but he was healthy when he was born. My daughter was vbac and I had gd. She was 9lbs and it all went great the only thing they said to me was.that they weren't going to let me push for a long time once I started. But once it came time to push she came in an hour. Going for a vbac again they are saying that the risk are the same but since I have already had one that I'm still a good candidate for vbac. 37 more days to go.
  • edited July 2011
    @mememami wow I hope I get it too thanks for your input. :) and congrats on having 37 more days that's awesome! I still have 55 days
  • @kalathename they won't try to turn your baby?
  • I plan on having a vbac as well. I've had 2 csections and this is #3 baby, so my first vbac! My doc is real iffy about it, but is saying she will let me try! I wish u well !!! Post updates please!! I'm not due for 8wks.
  • @cfa @mnbaby3 is trying for a vbac right now. I really hope you get yours!
  • Wish I can have a vbac!!! My first scection was terrible and so was recovery. I asked doc to try vbac but looking back on my last csection she says it's a high risk. I'm 4"11 very tiny and cervix wont open wide enough for baby to come out they say :( sucks but I so badly want a vbac!
  • @allie8955 are u sure about ur height being a risk factor? ?!? I've never heard of it and frankly think its a myth! Have u gotten a second opinion? There was another discussion about height and csections the other day. I would definitely do some more research if u really wanted to try!! Atleast make sure you are properly informed with ur decision! No offense at all ijs. :-) also homebirthadvocate is a midwife and is very helpful with info! Try tagging her if you'd like.
  • @allie8955 so I couldn't dialate either my doc said my pelvic bones wouldn't move so this is your seccond baby right? Were u started with your first?
  • Yea its not just the height...its also my cervix they say. But I will try looking into it more...
  • Ive have 4 bbys already, my first 3 vaginal and my 4th c-sec. I hated it, my DD is today and I requested a vbac. Im scared though. The reason for my c-sec was because she was breech at 39 weeks and in distress. Im hoping she will come in the next couple days if not its another C for me next week. Good luck ladies...
  • @momof22be with my first I was in labor for 2 days...had a hard time dailating. Had two epidurals and pushed for an hour. It sucked! So csection was the only option. They said baby was too big for me...(he was normal 7lb) so with this one they don't want to take risk and chances and told me another csection.
  • Oh gotcha @allie8955 well as long as your baby gets here safe right the reason I asked if u were started is because I was and shouldn't have because my body wasn't ready
  • @momof22be hopefully everything goes well for u! Greatest luck!
  • @allie8955 thanks and good luck to u as well. :)
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