I have pupps and cant stop itching!

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Has anyone else had this? How did you deal with the consistent itching? I'm going crazy! I have been itching for 2 weeks and had my doctor appointment this morning and he told me that I have PUPPS. He said some women get it in their third trimester and most of the time it goes away after you have your baby.


  • I haven't had it but have had really bad itching. Nothing helped no creams or remedies. Only Benedryl was amazing. I had been itching so badly I had scraped my body up pretty good.
  • Yeah creams are not working for me either. :( I think I might have to try the benedryl cream...
  • Oh honey im sorry..my SIL had it and was miserable. It was on her face...the doc gives you a script. I hope its not severe.
  • I took the pill form of benedryl btw. :) the cream didn't help me. Also itching was everywhere so I would have needed a gallon of cream.hehe.:) hope you find something that works!!
  • Its worse when I take a shower cause I had been showering in warm to hot water. I didn't know that the warm water makes it worse :( I've scratched so bad already that my skin is raw. Idk what to do :( he didn't proscribe anything and it's been going on for a couple of weeks. He did draw some blood to make sure its nothing more serious.
  • Im gonna go get the pills right now!
  • Aww what about an oatmeal bath? Or ice?
  • Can u treat it like it were poison ivy and put calomyn lotion on it and sit in a cool oatmeal bath? Ouch! I would hate that. Sorry hun.
  • edited July 2011
    I had it when I was pregnant and my sister is pregnant and has had it since 29weeks. I had tried bendryl hydrocortisone cream,coco butter, lotions, oatmeal baths, cold wash cloth.. Nothing worked.. My sis found stuff called dandelion pills and grandpas old pine tar soap and both has helped her to wear its completely gone. How far are you?
  • Idk if I can...ill have to ask. Ill have to try a oatmeal bath tonight and see it that helps. I can't help but be irritated with everything Right now. I feel so bad cause its so frustrating :( trying my hardest not to take it out on hubby and kiddos.
  • edited July 2011
    @maymommy11 36 weeks is it okay to use while pregnant? I'm scared to take the benedryl pills cause I don't want it to lower the baby heart rate.
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