Glucose/GD test UK (mie is tommorow)

edited July 2011 in UK
Hi, i have my glucose test at the hospital tommorow, just routine as my BMI is higher than they like. They said to fast from 9pm tonight for my apt tommorow at 9am, and said i would be there all morning til lunch. Has anyone in the UK had the test, i know they take blood and you have to drink lucozade but i wondered if you get your results on the day, how i am likely to feel afterwards and how much blood they take? I am really dreading it as a massive needle phobic :( any advice a bonus thanks ladies.


  • They don't take a lot of blood. Do fast like that want you to because if the results seem strange then they will make you do a three hour glucose test. The stuff you drink tastes like the syrup the use to make sodas or melted popsicles. It's not nasty but kinda sickly sweet. You may get a little nausiated after you drink it so ask for a bit of water to help settle your stomach
  • I live in london, done my test yestday. I only fasted for two hours, one hour before I drunk lucazade and an hour before I took test. It was ok, just like any other routine blood test cos they were checkin iron levels at the same time too. I have to wait for results, midwife said they'll give me a call.
  • I live in london, done my test yestday. I only fasted for two hours, one hour before I drunk lucazade and an hour before I took test. It was ok, just like any other routine blood test cos they were checkin iron levels at the same time too. I have to wait for results, midwife said they'll give me a call.
  • Not from the UK, but I just did mine a few weeks ago here. It's not that bad, the worst part would b if they told u u couldn't pee the whole time like they did my first one many years ago. This time the only side effect I had to deal with was a massive sugar high and crash. U won't get labs back for a few days, and they might not even call u if everything is normal. Only called me cuz my hemoglobin was low and I needed to add an iron tablet to my vitamins.
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