stopping breastfeeding

edited July 2011 in Breastfeeding
Can I just say extremely painful! How do I ease the pain??
also, it's only one boob that hurts. My left one. There is also a small lump underneath my boob. It hurts VERY BAD. advice on what it is??


  • Could be matitis. Are you achy or feverish
  • Mastitis, sorry
  • edited July 2011
    Sounds definitely like mastitis. Baby has bacteria in it's mouth and it could have infected your milk duct. It could also be just a clogged milk duct. You should see a doctor. You can continue to breastfeed, it won't hurt the baby. As for pain, use a hot compress or hot shower and take Tylenol. It's pretty common to have this and I know plenty of women who continue to breastfeed while getting it taken care of.
  • But im trying to stop breastfeeding.
  • how long have you been breast feeding? i think that if its a plugged duct having baby eat is gonig to help the most. other wise see if dr can give u the shot to dry up
  • Ohhhh. You have pain and a lump from trying to stop. Lol. I'm sorry. I didn't read it correctly.
  • I have the same thing on my right boob. Ouch. You should call your dr and make an appointment. If you've only been breastfeeding for a couple of weeks..i promise you its gets better. Maybe baby isnt latched on correctly?
  • So I ended up having mastitis. I have an abscess in my left breast with puss and everything. Had to go to urgent care to do a small procedure to see exactly what it is. They gave me 3 different meds with I have to take 4 times a day, twice a day, and once or twice a day depending on my pain.
    ugh it fricking HURTS. If its not better by tomorrow, then I have to go to the er to see a surgeon to get it cut open and cleaned out :(
    aannnnddd im in pain today. So im thinking that's what's gonna happen :'(
  • How big was the lump? Now I'm scared! I jist posted a question similar to yours. Were you running fever, or have flu symptoms? What made you go to urgent care?
  • Yeah I commented on urs. Haha I didn't have a fever or flu like symptoms tho. And my lump, when started, was about the size of the bigger "boulder" marbles. Now its pretty big cause its just filled with puss and whatever else. Well I called my dr yesterday and explained my symptoms and he couldn't get me in to see me yesterday and he told me it could be pretty serious. So he was the one who told me to go to urgent care or er. So I went to urgent care cause its always cheaper than the er. Haha
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