sometimes drs can be so rude.... :(

I had a Dr appt the other day and found out I gained 5lbs in 2 weeks :/ I'm 25w2d and have only gained 15lbs over that too much? Cause my Dr told the that its not the baby its my thighs n love handles :( so basically she called me fat! Now I have never been a big girl I weighed 125 pre pregnancy and have been struggling with my weight gain lately because I used to be anorexic a couple years ago. Anyways :( she just made me feel like shit....


  • every Dr is diff. i went n at 25wks.. something like that and i put like on 5 lbs in 2wks too and she said i need to slow down..but she wasn't my Dr...i had my 30 wk appointment w/my Dr and she said Im doing great and i put on alot with in a far I've gained 17 lbs Im 32 wks..
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  • Ugh I switched drs cuz dey can be so rude, I'm srry hun some ppl dnt know how to be professional at all!! Its hard enough dealing with all da changes we dnt need anyone criticizing us and our weight gain I say as long as yu and baby r healthy then why put more pressure/stress on yurself!
  • I was upset about my weight gain at first, too, having always been a thin person. My doc laughed at me and said if I don't like gaining weight, I shouldn't be pregnant. Now she's said I gained too much too quickly (I gained 6 lbs in 4 weeks, I'm 32 weeks). She made me feel fat, too, even though all my weight is on my belly and Everyone I know tells me I look tiny for being third trimester!! Docs can be rude. Try not to let it get to you. As long as you and baby are healthy, be happy and try to love your body as much as you can. Remember, its jl
  • its only temporary!!
  • @1sttime_mommy & @mommy_of_2 I can't switch drs because of the insurance I have :( I'd have to drive over an hour to get to any other Dr who accepts my insurance. But it wasn't even my actual Dr Dr it was his like back up Dr for when he's not there
  • My Dr. Did that to me except I Gained 31 lbs in a month .....I cried in front of him he felt so bad about it
  • @laine923 I know everyone keeps telling me I'm really tiny still too n I am all belly! It was just hurtful to hear my Dr say that of all people! Me and baby are healthy she is measuring perfectly...exactly where Shes supposed to be so that's all that matters to me
  • I go to a midwifes office and I basically see whoever is on call which I hate but I just told them I do not want dis certain dr and I haven't had her since but I see a diff midwife every single time its annoying, some of them think I'm dumb or something like idc about da baby....pregnancy has been soo stressful! Idk dey have drs dat dnt have consideration of our feelings..
    Do I have to go over dere and kick some butt?! lol
  • I had gained 6lbs in 4wks and i bout freaked. The nurse kinda laughed and told me it was fine. Im up 7lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight and im almost 29wks.
  • @1sttime_mommy OMG :/ that would suck!! I've only seen my actual Dr twice! Its a pain in the butt cause I kinda would like him to know what's going on in my pregnancy but that's just how my drs office works. They don't even have birthing classes! I have to drive an hour just to get to the next nearest hospital to take some and I don't even know if they will let me since I'm not delivering at that I swear...
  • I had to switch doctors for other reasons, but my new doctor is SO much more professional. I'm 35+4, and I've only gained 10 pounds. He was more worried about the baby's development than anything, where my old doctor told me not to gain any..
  • @homebirthadvocate do u know the standards for how much weight your supposed to have gained and by when? Like is 15lbs at 26weeks too much?
  • @brttnywstn14 Don't feel bad I was 112 pre pregnancy and I'm 25w2 and I'm 145 I have put on a lot and I'm ok with it, its everyone else that's not. My mother in law is always making comments and my hubby has to. It makes me sad because I'm just eating when I'm hungry and I can't help that I'm hungry all the time :/ but I have set a goal for myself and that's to gain no more the 5-8 pounds.
  • I am 26 weeks and have gained 40 pounds. I was not skinny prepregnancy. My doctor says that's kind of a lot but hasn't been hard on me at all. I really don't understand you people who have only gained 15 pounds at this point! It's not like I'm constantly shoving food in my face! Oh well. I will lose the weight eventually.
  • @cfa & @mollybygolly see that's what I said! I don't feel like I over eat...I just eat when I'm hungry which is like every 2 hours. My Dr told me to stop drinking soda and eating fast food but I only drink maybe one soda a week and just the thought of fast-food makes me sick :/ so...idk I'm trying not to stress bout it. As long as my baby is ok then idc ill just work extra hard to lose the weight after :)
  • That was rude. I wouldn't switch doctors but I would let her know that that comment hurts my feelings, whether she intended to or not. She will most likely apologize and feel badly.
  • ...that or punch her in the throat.
  • edited July 2011
    I have gained 20 and I am 26 weeks. My doctor hasn't said anything. I think I am about 4lbs over so you are right on track. There are calculators online for how much you should gain. Do a goggle search. I think you are doing great though. Just try to ignore the stupid Dr. I had a ob that told me if I wanted to lose weight do it before I got pregnant. I wasn't even considered overweight and did not bring the convo up. It is just one opinion. I would take it with a grain of salt.
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  • I am the opposite. I am still 2 lbs down from pre pregnancy weight. So i havent gained any weight at all. I eat all the time but i also am very active with my 3 other kids. My dr doesnt seem concerned as the baby is growing as he should. Im 26 weeks. And i wasnt big before pregnancy 125 and im 5ft tall.
  • I wouldn't worry about it. I gained 5 lbs in 2 weeks from water retention weeks 26-28 but lost 2lbs by my next visit at 29 weeks when the swelling went down. I am 29 weeks and have gained 6 lbs total but I am obese.
  • I would tell your normal doctor that you didn't like how. His replacement treated u. The doctor I had last time kept me waiting in the doctor office for over hr. I was becoming very aggravated. Then he noticed I wasn't sign up for epidural. Said I should sign up. For that just in case measure. Ugh I told him I was planing on natural birth. My normal doctor usually stays on me in a positive way about my weight usually ask me what I've been eating which I usually lie just little bit because I know it not what he wants to here. And if was to mention the word sugar he flips out. Sometimes I say sugar just because I think it funny when he flips out. But its all constructive critizism.
  • dude. im 4'11", was 96 pre pregnancy and now im 120. ive gained over 20 lbs, and im not even 28 weeks. no worries hun. like u said as long as babies healthy youve got no worries. and youre not gaingin too much weight. i gained 5 lbs in one week too. i stepped on the sclae and was like 'holy crap!' and then i was like alrighttttt! go baby!!! screw ur doc. shes just jealous ;;)
  • I know the feeling I went to the dr the other day an he said my face was getting chuncky. I told him to f*ck off. Iv only gained 22 pds on 31 weeks. He wanted me to gain a total of 30 to begin with
  • @brttnywstn14 i feel the same way about my dr. when i was about 30 weeks i went in, dr asked about morning sickness. i said 'its really good i never have it never throw up. later in the appointment he looked at me weight from that day and said "is _ _ _ really how much u weigh now? maybe u should be throwing up!" then he smiled at my mom who laughed along with him and i just wanted to cry :( he was kinda joking with the comment but was serious that i was gaining too much. now I'm only 5'2 so 2 lbs sits heavy on me an i was already very aware of how big my ass was geting he didn't need to make fun.
  • @blueberrysmom @momaynot @homebirthadvocate @bigmamak @kailiasmomma05 @stephforever89 @kdaniels @emy
    Thanks ladies!!! You all made me feel alot better! :)

    @Adriens_mommy Omg! I probably would have cried!!! You would think obgyns know how emotional we are and be more careful about what they say n how they say it!
  • My doc avoided telling me im over weight, I think he knows I don't need to hear it, I've gained 50 lbs, I was 135 pre and at only 30 weeks I'm 185 and still gaining, baby weighs nearly 5 lbs but either way... Ouch man, so much for my modeling after pregnancy lol. Instead of him saying I've gained too much, I tell him... Damn cheese and fruit craving lol
  • edited July 2011
    that's what i said to my mom when we left >:( he has been practicing for 20+ years shouldn't he know by now how touchy of a subject weight gain is, or how emotionally down a woman, espicially first time moms, could be about their ever expanding thighs? I'm glad its over and i don't have to see him every month anymore.
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