how many braxton hicks are too many?

Everytime my husband and I have sex I have been getting about 3 bh contractions afterwards. Well tonight I noticed I was still getting them at 2:40 am so I started counting them and I had 9 in one hour. They seemed like they were about 2 minutes apart and each one would last 10-15 seconds. They started making my head hurt and my lower back hurt and I was just so uncomfortable I couldn't stand to lay down. So I got up and I started feeling a little better after I sat up but im so sleepy all I want to do is lie down. My bh contractions seem to have calmed down alot now but I still have alot of lower back pain and a burning sensation. And the baby has kicked all night in between contractions. My husband got up at 4:30 to get ready for work and as I tell him what's wrong hoping he will say something to calm me down and make me feel better... all he says is "that's apart of being pregnant". So of course that just pissed me off and I started balling. I've been thinking about calling l&d since 3:00 but im starting to feel better now. I just didn't want to drive all the way to the hospital and make a big scene and them just send me home an hour later and tell me im fine. Because then I would feel like an idiot. I am 30 weeks and 2 days by the way. Do you all think I should have went to l&d or do you think im fine since they seem to be stopping now?


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  • If dey stopped and yu can relax then yu shld be okay, but I wld def mention it to yur dr nxt appt. its sounds like preterm contractions I had da same thing happen to me at around da same time too, if it does happen again tho def call yu wldnt want to go into preterm labor...try drinking about 8oz of water and laying on yur left side dat has helped me calmed down plenty of times
  • I think what you were feeling was normal. BH can happen like that after sex. They should subside within 2 hours. I'm 30 weeks+6 as of today and have been in and out of the hospital since 28 weeks with premature contractions that last 6-12 hours at a time. I was sooo confused as well as to when to go in to L&D. My dr. and nurses said only if I feel my contractions for more than 2 hours at a time and they are not BH. But it also is not a big deal if you go in if you are worried.:) Everyone I have talked to at the hospital are more than willing and wanting women to come in if they suspect anything unusual. :) I hope you get reassurance either by what people respond with or talking to your dr. :) Sorry your husband seemed to just brush it off, my husband did that at first too and it really can be discouraging even if he's right.
  • Thanks girls! I think that's all I needed was to hear someone say that's normal and im ok. We had sex around 10pm. My contractions got real bad at 2:40 but I havnt had a bhc since 4:30 now. So im going to try and get some sleep now and I should be feeling normal when I wake up
  • Good night! Get some rest.:)
  • Its prob just from sex...that's the only time I get braxton hicks..after sex lol
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