Just gave me procardia to calm contractions. Cervix still shortening, but not dilating more yet. Have to see neonatologist soon and I'm getting special tour of the NICU not comforting. @math_mommy thanks for the statistics. But I am 27+2. Gotta make it 5 more days to make it to over 98% I'm scared.
Idk why they aren't doing more to stop the labor. I have 2 preemies at home. Born at 34 weeks and 32 weeks (ages 6&8 now). They were "healthy" preemies. But 27 weeks scares the crap out of me!
Let me say, my heart goes out to all you mommies on magnesium...that stuff burns & makes you feel like poo! But still totally worth it if it stops labor long enough for the steroids to work!!!
Idk why they aren't doing more to stop the labor. I have 2 preemies at home. Born at 34 weeks and 32 weeks (ages 6&8 now). They were "healthy" preemies. But 27 weeks scares the crap out of me!