Im in labor @ 27 weeks :'(



  • Just gave me procardia to calm contractions. Cervix still shortening, but not dilating more yet. Have to see neonatologist soon and I'm getting special tour of the NICU :( not comforting. @math_mommy thanks for the statistics. But I am 27+2. Gotta make it 5 more days to make it to over 98% :( I'm scared.

    Idk why they aren't doing more to stop the labor. I have 2 preemies at home. Born at 34 weeks and 32 weeks (ages 6&8 now). They were "healthy" preemies. But 27 weeks scares the crap out of me!
  • I can imagine your anxiety, but stay strong and have faith the baby will hang in there another week to make the 98% :)
  • Prayers to you. Stay strong and think positive.
  • Have they given you an estimate of your baby's size yet?
  • @math_mommy no length, but he or she is almost 3 pounds ...pretty big, that's a plus :)
  • That's incredible!!! They estimated my son at 2lbs 14oz, at 29/6 weeks...and he was 3 lbs 6oz. One neonatologist said 3 lbs is a "big nicu baby"!
  • Im 26 weeks in l and d due to preteen labor. My cervix is closed but 80-90% effaced. Was on magnesium but never stopped contractions.
  • Let me say, my heart goes out to all you mommies on magnesium...that stuff burns & makes you feel like poo! But still totally worth it if it stops labor long enough for the steroids to work!!!
  • Good luck hun, ill put u in my prayers. Think positive an stay strong
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