Measuring big, help to understand please

Went to the dr today, she said I'm measuring 30&1 but I'm only 26&4! Wat does that mean and does it mean I'm going to deliver early than my original due date


  • Im measuring about 2 wks ahead and my due date has stayed the same they just told me my baby will be bigger
  • O ok thanks
  • same with me! @leslow .. I've always, measured 2w ahead..could mean big bby or jus alotta fluid..which is what is tru in my case.. I got a sizing ultrsound n she was perfectly on date not too big... so ya..idk if well deliver earlier.. hopefully!!!
  • Measured on an ultrasound or the fundal height. Some babies just have growth spurts or like the pp said just a bigger baby.
  • She measured by tape then by top to bottom side to side with her hand. I had to come in today cuz my pelvis was hurt ite felt like ur was going to break when I walk plus bad cramps lasting two min every hr. I felt like I can't breathe like there is no room. I'm known to go into labor early from previous pregnancies I also get 17p shots weekly. I feel like dying oh my gosh
  • I hope I deliver early to this is the only pregnancy that I feel like shit
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