How Often

edited July 2011 in Second Trimester
Do you feel your baby move? I am at the end of my second trimester (27 w 4d) and feel like he doesn't move as much as he should. This is my first so I have nothing to compare it to. I hardly feel him at all while at work (I move around a lot) and when I get home I tend to feel him more but still not as much as I would think. I would say I feel him 7 to 15 times a day with maybe 3 or 4 kicks a few of those times. I am a bit on the larger size (16 prepregnancy) and have an anterior placenta. I have done kick counts, and went to l and d one night when I hadn't felt him at all all day. Of course as soon as we got there he started kicking like crazy. I hope I'm just paranoid...but does anyone else go hours without feeling baby move? Starting to get really anxiou here...


  • There are times i don't feel my little one for a few hours, I eat something and she moves a little bit. I went to l&d once because it was like 4pm and i haven't felt her move at all and just like you said as soon as i go there she started going crazy. Now she is constantly moving, she wont stop beating me up! i guess because she is so big and i feel every tiny movement that she makes. Also when im up moving around i don't notice her moving, it could be that she is moving but your doing other things and don't exactly pay it much attention?? Idk i hope everything is ok with you and your lil one. Try not to stress too much!
  • typically you might not notice their activity until you are laying down or sitting down and relaxing, or after eating. although rest assured your baby is active as you are active throughout the day. some babies are crazy and others are more passive. as long as you feel baby 10 times in 2 hrs it should be ok, or whatever your doc recommends. im 35 wks and i know when im up and moving around or active i usually don't feel her unless she kicks the crap out of me
  • Im 26 weeks today , an I feel my bby a lot most of the time , but sumtimes , it seems like she is sleep , an wen im at wrk , I think my body rocks her to sleep cause she is up wen im up at 6am gettn ready for wrk . Mostly I feel her in the middle of the night wen im tryn to sleep lol
  • I think I have a lazy baby at times. Women that's not as far as I am talk about baby hurting them. I haven't experienced it yet. 34w. It only hurts a bit when she stretches,but other than that she's cool
    Your baby may be a calm type.
  • because you move around alot i would say that its normal.. that you dont always notice every movemoent
  • I'm 25w today and only feel her when I sit and more if I'm sitting kind forward or when laying on my right side. Still only feeling her on the inside because she's a stinker. I know she's kicking /punching hard enough to feel on the outside cuz I see my phone move but put your hand there and nothing lol
  • I'm 22w5d and my lil boy won't stop moving. A lot of it may contribute to the fact that I was laid off from my job 3 wks ago so I'm sitting or laying. But yesterday I felt him non stop between 10 am & 5 pm.
  • When you're moving you don't notice baby's kicks as much. I didn't start feeling my baby all the time until I was about 25-27 weeks. Then I started feeling everything. If you're worried, drink some cold juice and lay down. If you don't feel anything shortly after that call your doctor.
  • Its your paranoia. You're feeling him move quite a bit. So don't stress too much if you haven't noticed it for a while. Im prego with my 2nd and I feel her move allot. But not as much as you do. With my first I had a scare. I went swimming when I was 6months prego. And I didn't feel him move for 3days after! I though I froze him to death :-/ but everything was fine.
    Your nerves will get the best of you with your first. I was all over the place with my emotions and scares. But with my second, im totally relaxed and excited. You're gunna do great!
  • Blueberry usually starts moving at night when I'm lying down.
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