How Often
Do you feel your baby move? I am at the end of my second trimester (27 w 4d) and feel like he doesn't move as much as he should. This is my first so I have nothing to compare it to. I hardly feel him at all while at work (I move around a lot) and when I get home I tend to feel him more but still not as much as I would think. I would say I feel him 7 to 15 times a day with maybe 3 or 4 kicks a few of those times. I am a bit on the larger size (16 prepregnancy) and have an anterior placenta. I have done kick counts, and went to l and d one night when I hadn't felt him at all all day. Of course as soon as we got there he started kicking like crazy. I hope I'm just paranoid...but does anyone else go hours without feeling baby move? Starting to get really anxiou here...
Your baby may be a calm type.
Your nerves will get the best of you with your first. I was all over the place with my emotions and scares. But with my second, im totally relaxed and excited. You're gunna do great!