Really bad pain...what is it?

Does anyone else experience really bad pain on their left side right above the ribs?? I usually get this pain when I'm laying down or after meals. So far, I've heard its not common during pregnancy. I'm 26weeks.


  • i get sharp pains under my bra line along my ribs, i think its mainly from muscles being stretched. i usually get them really bad after a big meal. i find the only thing to help is to lay on my back for a while
  • I get a strong cramp in my lower stomach every now and then. I'm almost 26 weeks. I'm not sure what it is, but it comes for a few seconds then goes away.
  • Thanks girls..i made a doctor's appt just to make sure its nothing bad.
  • I had this pain when i was 19 weeks nd i went to the er nd said my body nd muscles were stretching, but go get checked hope everything is k
  • I have this same issue I was told its probably gal bladder.
  • I have those tpyes of cramsps all the time as well and I'm only 18w1d. I assumed its just growing pains :)
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