when you visit...

do you expect other people to come to you?? My inlaws have such a screw loose. We moved 1,200 miles away last August..they came up in October and WE had to go to them although one time was for an actual party. The grandma has been up for 3 weeks and twice we've had to go there(an hour away) because she doesn't want to drive. Hubbys mom came up Wednesday and came here yesterday, supposed to stay with us for a few days but has no backbone when it comes to HER mother so guess what WE have to go to them this weekend. Give me a break!
he's pissed. Even he's able to see his mom is being a stupid ass blaming the grandma..lady you are like 52 years old stop crying about missing one of your granddaughters and do something about it!
He texted with her all day about how hurt he is and not fair etc amd finally she says well maybe we can go to a waterpark. He's on crutches because he really messed up his ankle and I'm pregnant (looking like free willys body double aside-i can't go on rides and slides!) So when he says we can't do that she replies well I'm TRYING. No bitch if you were trying your ass would tell your mother look I'm spending a couple days with my son at his house! But nooo you'll just bitch and cry to everyone else about it and swear AGAIN you wont let her do this to you.
He told her we'll come Sunday and tomorrow but tomorrow we wont be in a rush...which means he is really pissed because I am a slow as molasses mover/getting-readyer- its a word lol


  • In-laws! Aargh! Is everyone afraid of his grandmother? His mom should put on her big girl panties and stand up to her mom. Geez louise! Sorry you're going through this!
  • @tishj330 apparently lol I am NOT looking forward to going there. They're all staying at the grandmas sisters house which smells like old lady AND there are clowns everywhere...id like to say eff it and not go but sweet granny said shed do our laundry(we don't have washer/dryer) and took EVERYTHING. I have 2 shorts and tshirts that don't fit...been wearing a nightgown all day and night lol
    Thanks lovey!
  • I must have pregnancy brain because I am confused on what the issue is...
  • It really depends, lol. My mom's family and my dad's family live 4 hrs away from us. When we visit my dad's family, they are all older, so we go to them. When we visit my mom's family, most of them live out in the middle of nowhere, so we stay with an aunt who lives in town and make them come to us.

    It sucks that his mom won't come stay with you though!
  • @twinmamatobe there's a couple. One is these people are up here visiting and instead of coming to us we have to go to them. Two, The grandma is up for the whole month of July, the mother is here for a week. She spent an hour bitching to me about her mom(granma) ruining their Alaskan cruise, their last trip to Jersey and made all these plans to stay a few days with us spending time with one of her granddaughters. But now its oh can you come here? She left our house yesterday CRYING..because her mommy said they couldn't spend the night lol my problem is she's 52 years old and lacks the backbone of telling her 74 year old mother she's coming to our house and staying here to spend time with us. Instead she's just gonna cry and bitch about it to us and her husband when she's the one who has the ability to do something about it.
  • @laura536 his grandma is 74 and has a better social life than anyone I kno, she's not your usual senior citizen lol the reason we went to her is because she said she wasn't comfortable driving in unfamiliar places. Nevermind that except for the last 14 years she's lived in Jersey her whole life and has certainly driven to the shore lol its more his mom we're upset with. We even said we'll come pick you up and we get "oh I have to go to bills play at 10 pm" bill BTW is grannys sisters gentleman friend who's 83 lol
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  • @mshahair ill try my best to send those out overnight. Just think you can visit them in palm city lol
  • *UPDATE*
    well it appears something got thru to mil because she called hubby this morning saying lets go to great adventure. We'll sleep over there which wont be a blast due to old lady smell and clowns but baby steps lol at least she's saying the heck with her mom for today anyway.
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