Who likes their post-baby bodies better?

edited July 2011 in Just for Fun
I'm 4 months postpartum and back to my weight @ conception (w/ my 2nd, still 10 lbs heavier than before my 1st). My linea nigra is FINALLY starting to fade, and I managed to get through 2 pregnancies w/ no strech marks (the one time in my life i've been grateful for my pastey-white skin!) My stomach needs some work, but it never was particularly flat. Most of all I have to say, I'm really digging my new hips and butt (I had neither before babies). I might just have to hang on to the extra poundage and my new badunk-a-dunk!!!


  • I'm still trying to get the weight off, but I have so much motivation to get into shape and look good by memorial day next year! I am a single momma and I want to have that "wish" affect when I start dating again and get compliments like "You look great for having 2 kids!". On top of all that, I've decided that since I'm done having kids, if I can lose 40+ pounds by my birthday next year (end of April) then I'm treating myself to some new boobies! I have a lot to gain if I can lose a lot lol.
  • *woah not wish effect lol
  • @BkE913 That is great motivation! How old are your kids?
  • Aug 3rd Ill be 3 months pp and I just startes working out today I gained 50 plus pounds. I have lost about 40 of it. Its been longer for me to work out because I had a c section and then my gall bladder removed. I want to lose more weight on top of what I gained before I got pregnant.i have tons of stretch marks, but my son was totally worth it :)
  • My son is pushing 5 and my daughter is almost 12 weeks. So I figure I have until she's 1 to lose 50 pounds total. Not too bad or difficult is you ask me! I know I can do it, I just need to stick with it and reach for the stars. I want it so bad, so I feel confident I can do it!
  • Oh, I gained 65 pounds with my son, only lost 30 of it, them gained another 35 with my daughter. Ive lost 25 pounds from this pregnancy, so I'm left with about 50 pounds to lose. I have stretch marks bad, but I only got them with my son so they're fading and not too bad right now.
  • @BkE913 I was gonna say, chasing after a toddler is some great excercise (my son is almost 2 & he reminds me of a pinball shooting back and forth in a pinball machine)!
  • @BkE913 your daughter is stunningly beautiful!!!
  • I'm a few days away from being a month pp. i'll say no, i'm not happy yet but 4more weeks my gym will take Jaden in the daycare so i'm just watching what I eat for now. My boobs deflated quicker than I would have liked. ;)
  • Ugh. Jealous over here! I wish I had pastey white skin also. Haha. My stretch marks are horrible. You couldn't see it with my first, but this 2nd child tore up my body. And that linea nigra line is still so ugly.. Good job that you're taking time for yourself.
  • @Jaime77 my mom has offered to take me to her gym, but between my uber-buisy 23 month old, breastfeeding my 4 month old, and normal housework (which I resumed about 4-6 weeks postpartum), I cant seem to find the time!

    @jcmommy yeah, i'm SUPER happy my linea nigra is fading, mine was extra weird cuz it was crooked!

  • @maymommy11 congrats on loosing so much so fast! I know from experience that the first 20 drop fast but every lb after you have to WORK for!
  • Lol. I think it was the water weight.i had our preeclampsia and was soooo swollen. Wish it would all come off lol.i wish I new something that helps.
  • @maymommy11 yeah I hope I can find something that will tone my tummy while letting me keep my new hips & booty...yoga or maybe pilates???
  • Ya I think thatd work. Me and my fiance want to try p90x work out dvd. He used to weigh 280 and now hes one 180 from working at his job,he lost all that weight.it sucked while I was pregnant he kept losing weight, while I kept gaining weight. He wants to do that dvd to gain muscle now. I want my tummy pudge and arm fat to go away lol. And love handles. :ar!
  • Im happy with my post partum body most days (unless I eat too much sugar the day before) if I watch my carb intake and don't eat crap I'm happy with how I look. I do plan on hitting the gym soon to try and lose another 20-30 lbs or another 1-2 pant sizes.
  • Im starting to enjoy it. But that's because I've started to workout (im 2.5 months pp) . I lost the weight really quickly, like 2 wks after I gave birth. So I had some stomach flap going on lol. I have 2 more lbs to lose before I get to my prepregnacy weight but I want to lose another 30+ lbs
  • I loved my body after my 1st hardly any stretch mark. I lost almost all the weight the same week i had her. I was more fit after having her and my butt and tatas looked great. Then i got pregnant with my son and i got huge not weight gain just he stretched me so after i had him i had extra skin gross and more stretch marks. I couldnt lose the last ten lbs but i still had a nice butt. My boobs have always looked great. Im a c and dont need to wear a bra as they are still perky like a teen.
  • @maymommy11 I guess your shrinking fiance is extra motivation to get fit...lol

    @blissmarie23 omg, I have a huge sugar problem! After my 1st, I was literally addicted to anything in the pastry family! I blamed I on an electrolite deficiency from producing breastmilk. Now, I realize it was ptsd (not ppd) brought on by the whole nicu experience, because my sugar cravings are nowhere near as bad while breastfeeding my second (full-term) baby!
  • Haha yes. Im excited to lose it.
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