33 weeks with cramping

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Its period like cramping had it on n off for the last few days. My lasy ultrasound they said he's head down. I also have back pain sometimes its really bad. The cramping is mild not really painful. I feel low movements. Even of I sit up or lay down its still there. I'm confused on what braxton Hicks feel like or if its just stretching this is my first baby. Doctor mentioned that if I didn't have him before my due date I'd get a c section he already weighs 5 pounds 7 oz.


  • Sometimes I get sharp pains in my belly
  • edited July 2011
    Sounds like nothing to worry about.:) but if the cramping hurts real bad and is constant for more than 2 hours without any relief after resting, plenty of water, and or Tylenol, I'd go in to L&D.:) They'll monitor you to help rule out pre-term labor. I've been in and out of L&D since 28 weeks with premature contractions.
  • @mrsforesee thanks for the responce. It hurts more when I'm up walking. Its starting to hurt more ima try to sleep if it gets worse ima go. My mom said my belly is really low.
  • Yeah most likely its your tummy streatching. You also may feel sharp pains through your vagina. They can be constant it sharp electric like shocks. It's pretty common. If ever you feel something isn't right don't hesitate to go in just in case! Hope you get some relief. :)
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