40 weeks today and Nothing!!! any new tips?

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Ok... 40 weeks today, lost my mucus plug last week, brown show today, 3 cm dialated and nothing! I have contractions but nothing painful or constant. I have sex, walk, swim, bounce up and down .... I even started pumping and I'm starting to really produce milk. I don't want to drink anything... I'm scared to do that. I want to try only natural things. Any ideas anyone?


  • Try one of those big exercise balls. They really open ur pelvis & help baby's head move down. You just sit on it & rock ur pelvis around. I did it regularly the last few weeks of my last pregnancy & when I went into labor & got to the hospital I was already 6cm! Hope that helps, ur almost there!
  • Same here 40 weeks yesterday...and nothing! Good luck girl..labor dust ur way!
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  • I'm sorry but if was you I'd be having a panic attack. I'm 36+4 and I'm done already if he passed his dd I'll break down. @addrianna @mlizzy194
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  • @yaya OMG!!! I cried today over something stupid! My husband acted like he didn't hear me and I freaked out only to find out that he was just kidding! That made me even more emotional. I think he realized that I am starting to feel anxiety and he quickly apologized.

    @mama_kat .. I hope they are off by one day!! :D
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  • Lol yeah my bf does that too. Its like they see the tears and horns forming lol. @mlizzy194
  • Thats what I was hoping but "my" was the 27th, I kinda know when I got preggo, my "Dr" was the 29th, it is now the 31st and nothing. Im depressed and tired. I also had a small breakdown, but I guess I have no other choice but to wait. Good luck @mlizzy194. Has ur ob/gyn talked about induction or anything?
  • @addrianna ....She made me an appnmnt for Tuesday to discuss induction date. I am also gonna have an ultrasound on tues to make sure baby is not under any stress. She did let me know she won't allow me to go past 41 weeks! :)
  • take a day to kust relax make sure everuthing is ready.n just chill
  • @bummy87... I've been on maternity leave since the end of june! I've been preparing for a while now! I'm on a mission! :)
  • seriously I went 5 days over.due cause everyday I was exhausting myself to go into labour the day I just stopped. contractions started spaced ,I went to bed woke up 4am in labour went to hospital n I was 6cm had maddy 2hrs later.
    with my first hubby n I had sex doggy style it caused a bleed just told dr I was bleeding n he induced lol
  • I never tried any crazy induction tricks but I walked N cleaned a ton but I still went 8 days overdue. Maybe just having your doc strip ur membranes. My delivery was ruff, pitocin induced contractions were a bitch, and Jaden was still so high up I pushed for 4hrs. (Had hemmoroid hell for a month) Maybe just waiting for baby until doc says u need an induction.
  • Exercise ball works miracles... bounced 5 times and my water bag broke!!
  • I agree with @mshahir, wait! Baby will come when baby and body is ready to evict lol.
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