im going scream until im blue so discouraged
Well they say I'm in early labor. I've been having contractions for 5 days ranging from 1hr apart to 2 min apart for hours been sent home 3 times stuck at 3cm. Contractions slowed down but woke me up every hour last night either moaning or in tears. Been having some pretty strong ones today about 30 min apart. I swear this little girl is playing games. I've lost most or all of my plug over the last 4 days. I'm having a constant period cramping that won't go away even after the contraction is done. The flipin drs won't do anything to help me until tues when I hit 39 weeks. I have to move out of where I'm staying on sat and we still haven't found a place. I may have to go to my husbands moms. I need just 1 more cm and they will keep me