braxton hicks are not my friend!

I'm 22w 4d and have been having braxton hicks at least 6-8 times a day! I went into l&d and of course they stopped while I was hooked up to he monitor but man I hate them! At least I know my cervix is still closed. I'm nervous because in order to finish my degree by december I have to do a semester of teaching which starts in a few weeks and I have a feeling I'm going to go early :/ I'm supposed to be teaching until a week before my due date! This is also my second child...that's why I think ill go early


  • Hang in there! :) If you need someone to share pre-term labor scares you can always share with me. :) I've had a few this pregnancy.
  • Cross your legs :-) its good you got checked, alot of people would just shrug it off, im 33+4 an gettin loads of pain. Oh the joys of pregnancy :-)
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