Dialated ?

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Hello mommies! I have doctors appointment on Wednesday,but wanted to ask you if you know what it feels like to be dialated? I had c-section with my first and never experienced the way nature works. I am on my 28th week and 3 days ago started feeling strange down there: when I go to the bathroom, it feels like "she" is opening and if I try to poop, I feel alot of pressure and "she" looks and feels swollen and open. I apologize for tmi,but I hope someone can tell me if it is something you have experienced. :(


  • I don't think you can feel if you are dilated, but I didn't dilate last time, so I can't say for sure.
  • No, I don't think its possible to "feel" yourself dialate. I think the only way to know is for a medical.professional to check you.
  • Thank you ladies so much, it is just a weird feeling I have never experienced in my first pregnancy, and the first one was breeched, so may be this one is in the head-down position :)
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