bad upper abdomen pain...

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
Been having a constant STRONG pain that raidiates throughout my abdomen and around my back... its not coming and going like contractions should... but man im in so mich pain i wanna throw up. Im 29w 4 days... wth is going on? Its scaring me.


  • Go in still can b contractions n early labor...just get checked
  • I was gonna try to wait it out till the morning... hoping its just the babys position or something... if it doesnt go away by the time my bf wakes up for work...(2.5 more hours) im having him take me.. the pain in a constant steady pain... hasnt gotten worse since it started approx 5-6 hours ago....
  • I came across a blog post of a woman having that sort of pain. It may sound silly, bit after weeks of doctors being unsuccessful with helping her she tried a Chiropractor and the pain went away. I was having upper abdominal pain for awhile which is how I ended up stumbling past that blog post.
  • I have a feeling its just the baby... bit its so bad... havent slept yet and its almost 5am... its not getting worse... but still weird to me. I feel lile a dumb ass calling the dr if its nothing.... ive been wanting to see a chiro... maybe this will be what finally gets me there.
  • I called my dr's office... the line automatically transferred me to the hospital.... they said i should go in and be seen... im scared.
  • Hopefully everything is ok. Don't stress though! I went to a doctor for severe upper abdominal pain last Monday, after it happening for a week, only to have them tell me it was just 'growing' pains.
  • Upper abdomen pain can mean lots of things.. especially if its on a particular side. I think its the right side it can be something with your liver. My dr sent me. To the hospital for abdominal pain as well. Good luck try not to worry I'm sure everything will be fine :)
  • edited August 2011
    I get some pains in my upper abdomen, in the center just below where the bra line ends and they radiate to the back. Also I get some on the right side below my rib cage and that one did last a couple hours going to the back as well. It turned out to be gall stones in my gallbladder, I will need surgery after baby arrives.
  • Ok... i spent 7 hours at the hospital... started in L&D and ended in the ER. Nothibg was wrong with baby... (they ran some strange tests.. lol so the er gave me an extensive ultrasound... (and some NICE drugs that knocked me out) they thought i had gall stones... but per the u/s i dont. Im perfectly happy. Soooo they chalked it up to something i ate.. not agreeing with me... maybe bad gas that hasnt passed... or serious constipation... either way im home.. and slept a good 3 hours... pain is back but not as strong... but i have tylenol3 to take of it gets bad..and if it persists im to head back. Ugh.
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