2 years ago today I gave birth to my beautiful 9lb 7oz baby girl Zoey! Happy 2nd birthday to my sweet baby girl. I just wanted to share this with anyone who's willing to read it. I'm a proud momma. I hope the terrible 2's will be easy with her, lol.
i think the terrible 2s are lie!!
»happy birthday to miss ZOEY«
i really like her name i was thinking that for my daughters name but it doesn't sound well w/the rest..
@ mya218
Thank you all! I am very blessed with my VERY energetic 2 year old. I might have to agree a little about the whole terrible 2's and it might be worse with the 3's. I have a 3 year old also and man she's gotten a bit stubborn, and doesn't want to listen as much. So who knows.. lol. I do love all stages of children, from infant/newborn to the toddler stages, not to big on the teenage years though,lol. I do love the toddler stage when they are showing their personality more and trying to talk more clearly and stuff. But thank you ladies for her birthday wishes. I am making a cake for her tonight, yummy!
thank you ladies!!!