need advice
Ok here is the deal. I have my tubes tied, but the strangest thing happened last month. (lmp was Jan. 5) I am on a regular schedule if 31 days and that is it. No more no less. For about two weeks or more I have had headaches, nausea, vomiting, harding and boating of stomach, gas and constipation, craving for things I don't normally want and food avasions. I have had all the weird symptoms and also tender/sore bbs. I was three days late and started af on the 9th, but it was not normal. I bled enough to show up. Tmi. But that was it. Still having headaches and everything else. Also took a hpt the first one p and the second one n. I have a Dr. Appt on the 7th of march. My stomach is also starting to plane out with my pelvic area. What should I do and has any one else had this go on.