need advice

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Ok here is the deal. I have my tubes tied, but the strangest thing happened last month. (lmp was Jan. 5) I am on a regular schedule if 31 days and that is it. No more no less. For about two weeks or more I have had headaches, nausea, vomiting, harding and boating of stomach, gas and constipation, craving for things I don't normally want and food avasions. I have had all the weird symptoms and also tender/sore bbs. I was three days late and started af on the 9th, but it was not normal. I bled enough to show up. Tmi. But that was it. Still having headaches and everything else. Also took a hpt the first one p and the second one n. I have a Dr. Appt on the 7th of march. My stomach is also starting to plane out with my pelvic area. What should I do and has any one else had this go on.


  • Sounds to me like u might be havin ababy
  • But I had my tubes tied is what doesn't make sense and af was involved somewhat.
  • They do come untied my little sister is proof :P were 16 years mom was not planning her :P
  • Yeah... it sounds like a baby coming. Have a doctor do blood work. But tubes can become untied... :-?
  • It can happen!! My sis had tubes tied and after 15yrs she Found out she was preg. She got soo sick with high blood pressure with the bby news she had bby at 24wks weighn 1lb.. Bby stayed in hospital for 3-4mnths..Their both doin great
  • Well I am keeping my appts just to see what is going on. I would only be 6wks and a few days. I remember when I had my other 2 children I got really sick and I am sick as a dog right now too. Another thing three has been an increase in discharge over the past 2 weeks. So maybe this is a good thing. My husband and I would really like it to be true.
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