here i am again.
I had a miscarriage in the beginning of June. I'm just now ending my first menstrual cycle since and I'm going to keep trying. Everyone keeps telling me to wait a while because I'm not ready and it can happen again. But the doctor says as long as I'm physically and emotionally healed I can do what I want. I miss my baby and its still hard to deal with but I think I'm ready. I'm gonna let it happen when its supposed to. So wish me luck and baby dust ladies. And luck and baby dust to all the other ttc mommies.
@hodgeslangdon I felt like it took forever for my system to get back to normal, too. I had weekly blood draws for 5 weeks until my levels were back to normal. I behave since had 2 af's, so we are waiting to see what happens. It will happen for you too