here i am again.

I had a miscarriage in the beginning of June. I'm just now ending my first menstrual cycle since and I'm going to keep trying. Everyone keeps telling me to wait a while because I'm not ready and it can happen again. But the doctor says as long as I'm physically and emotionally healed I can do what I want. I miss my baby and its still hard to deal with but I think I'm ready. I'm gonna let it happen when its supposed to. So wish me luck and baby dust ladies. And luck and baby dust to all the other ttc mommies.


  • Good luck to you! Third time was the charm for me! I'm now 24w5d after 2 miscarriages. Its rough but you can do it! Super sticky baby dust!!
  • they say the best time to conceive is after you have a m/c or give birth- you're most fertile. good luck!
  • Good luck to u! :)
  • Good luck n lots n lots of baby dust to u
  • Good luck!
  • Aww its so good to see you back... I really don't post much anymore... but u my friend just made me smile. I know we can still talk on Facebook but just seeing u back makes me happy. Lots of sticky baby dust to u hun!
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  • Sticky baby dust to you hun. Unfortunetly I still can't ttc just yet still have pregnancy hormone in my system. Its taking so long for my body to get it out. I really wuld like to ttc again soon. Hoping you get a sticky baby soon.
  • edited August 2011
    @ahhtigerstripes1104 I know how you feel. I mc in May and hubby and I decided to just go with the flow. If I didn't have other things going on in my life, I'd be super obsessed with ttc again. Haha Good luck and baby dust. :)
    @hodgeslangdon I felt like it took forever for my system to get back to normal, too. I had weekly blood draws for 5 weeks until my levels were back to normal. I behave since had 2 af's, so we are waiting to see what happens. It will happen for you too ;)
  • @RTMommy thanks tomorrow I get my levels checked again I miscarried at end of june.
  • lots and lots of baby dust in prayers, if you're heart is ready... you are the one to say when!! %%-
  • Thank you ladies! :)
  • *****LOTS IF SUPER DUPER STICKY BABY DUST!!***** .. and i would b tryin again if i was in ur pos dont worry bout what others think its about what gunna make u happy and clearly its a family so stuff them
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