edited August 2011 in Pregnant
Hello! My due date is 8/10 I have a scheduled c section for the 4th that drs didn't want to give me but I pressured them so much they gave in.they want to induce last labor baby #4 was a horrible excruciating experience. He was 10lbs and got stuck the nurse had to jump on top of me to push him out.the whole labor was just absolutely horrible and traumatic. I didn't have gestational diabetes with the last one and he was 10lbs and I was 4days over due I went to hospital with him and told them I wasn't leaving till they induced me.for me being induced is horrible it hurts a billion times worse but it got to the point with him I couldn't walk,eat,sit,pee (basically I couldn't do anything) this baby is not as big but she's probley around 10lbs but hey u never know she could b bigger bc my last Sono with my 10lb baby they said he was 9.4 so The were starting to get nervous about havin a c section but the reason I wanted it done was #1 this way I wouldn't have to worry about the baby getting stuck and #2 Im getting a tubal ligation and #3 evrytime I give birth vaginally sex is more if I get induced I will need an epidural which I don't want but the dr said I will need one encase I need an emergency c section and I know I will need one for the pain.I hate epidural.I feel like if im goin to get one I should just get a c section.then in 6-8wks I will have to go back for laproscopic tubal ligation if I don't get a c section.ok so there it all is.please help. I need advice...


  • if you are getting the tubal for sure,then me personally i would go with the c-section because they do it at the same time. i have had 4 c-sections,getting ready for my 5th and they are not as bad as they seem (even though i still even get scared when it comes time,lol). your experience with your last child sounds horrible,and i dont think i would want to go through that twice then have to go back in 6 weeks for a tubal. that is just my opinion. you go with which ever you are more comfortable with. good luck :)
  • Id go with a c section, just to b safe. Although c sections are surgery an I know from experience the recovery is kinda rough but it sounds like uv had many rough recoverys.
  • C cection definitely n ask for a spinal not epidural its less painful n not as many side effects...some docs give the option....
  • @snowflake and @emy thank you both so much for your opinion. Its so leaning more towards c mainly afraid of the recovery with my 3kids and a 23month old.I know other women do it so that gives me comfort:) I think its bc my friend keeps putting horrible stuff in my head about c sections but I also know she is a baby when it comes to pain and very lazy and if she can have an excuse to be lazy and have ppl feel bad for her she's all over it. I also have to lose weight and im nervous about my stomach muscles being cut bc I want to start at 6wks.I need to lose weight bc dr said it would help so I don't become diabetic.
  • @azmom what's the difference between a spinal and epidural.I think they want to give me the epidural that stays in your back.I had it with my last and didn't like it at all.I have also been told to ask for stitches instead of staples bc stitches are u know anything about that?
  • i agree with the c section idea if you are going to get a tubal anyway. Plus they will do the tubal in a better way since they are already there, The less invasive tubals i have heard are painful and can have lots of complications.

    Yep stitches heal better with less complications.
  • I had a friend who had the same complications as your vaginal. It was horrific. Baby was too big. She wound up busting the vessels in her face trying to push him out, had two black eyes. With her next baby, they went straight to a c-section. She said it was 100xs better.
    I had a c section and had stitches, not staples. With the staples they have to take them out.
  • @ll10 and @vtmamajuju thank you! I haven't been back on here since the site crashed and there was no more google log in but I've been just looking in and im so happy im back now.I've been research online but its not as good as talking to women who have been through it.its so comforting. Thank you for being so helpful:)
  • @lucky7 I understand horror stories. Lol it seems like that's all ppl want to share. I had one with my first son an was slowly doing wat I needed to by the time my 4 day hospital stay was over, I lost all my weight with my first very quickly. Im doing a c section this time bcuz the dr isn't comfortable with a vbac. This time iv gain double the weight I gained with my first so im not sure how it will go. But im def pro c section, but its whatever makes u comfortable hun!
  • edited August 2011
    If you have a csection they will give you a spinal block. It is necessary to ensure you do not feeling anything as this is a major surgery and a block is the only way to make sure you don't feel anything with out being put completely under general anaesthesia. An epidural is targeted at areas of the body for vaginal deluvery, not a c section. It is placed like an epidural is, usually as soon as you get in the OR. It will block you from about your diaphram to your toes. I would go for a c section, especially since you are going to have a tubal ligation....kill two birds with one stone. Good luck!
  • @Soon2BMomOf2under2 I didn't know that.thank dr hasn't discussed anything with me.I plan on asking her everything on Thursday(my scheduled c section date) how long do they keep it in usually after the procedure? How long till I will be able to hold baby?
  • edited August 2011
    No problem. You should defintley get all the details from her that way you are as prepared as you can be.

    They take the block out as soon as they are done closing you up; however, you will be numb for several hours after you are done in the OR. You will have a urinary catheter placed since you will be numb and unable to get out of bed until you have feeling back.

    I was brought to the OR at 7 pm, my daughter was born at 7:15 and in my hubby's arms as soon as she was cleaned up...about 5-10 minutes. As soon as I was closed and put on a stretcher he handed her to me (about 20-25 mins after she was born). I put her right on my breast and fed her as I was being wheeled back to recovery. Overall, it was a great experience. I have no regrets. I would ask your doc how long it will take for the tubal as that time will delay how long it is before you can hold your baby.

    Other things to think about/be aware of with c section. You can not shower for 24 hours after surgery. You still have lochea and bleed a ton after. You may become itchy from the spinal block, so they may give you medication if you develop itching. Your first bowel movement will be VERY painful. You may have bad gas pain for 1-3 weeks after surgery. You will likely need to take a oral pain medication (usually percocet) to control your pain at home. That means no driving for as long as you are on the medicine. I was feeling back to normal around 3 weeks after.
  • @Soon2BMomOf2under2 thank you so much for all the info.I was wondering about the you for telling me about the 1st bowel movement my friend never said anything about u think a stool softer will help at all?I also forgot about the gassy part I had my gallbladder out laproscopicly and was a lil gassy but im sure after be open I will have way more gas.I had my gallbladder removed 3wks after my last baby was born and was on percocet and I was breast feeding and they said he would be fine.he wasn't.he slept for 3days goin to attempt breast feeding again so no percocet for me :( if I have to take some I will have to pump dump to keep my milk flow goin but id wait at least 24hrs to feed baby the milk.I don't want her to get all drugged like my son.I was a nervous wreck.what would u do?my friend said not to drive for 3wks so I already planned on that.I did a huge grocery shopping already to last 2-3wks and I told my hubby he will b doin some of the items we run out of like milk.luckily he's very good with that:)
  • I know you are in having your c section right now. I think you will likely need to take the medication. I wouldn't worry about pumping and dumping...they usually give you the lowest dose possible. Maybe talk to your OB about your options.
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