struggling to breathe

edited August 2011 in September 2011
Im 32 weeks. Been having a problem breathing off and on and its getting worst. Saw the Dr today. He did a thyroid test and checked my iron. Gotta wait on those results. He also wants me to see a cardiologist to rule out anything serious with my c-section coming up. On top of all that he was a little concerned I have lost 3lbs in less than 2 weeks. Feeling a little worried. Anybody else in the same boat?


  • my baby is crowding my lungs. I have been having issues breathing but mostly taking deep breaths. laying down on my side helps. I lost 2 lbs in a week due to the fact i had been retaining water and the swelling went down
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  • It's not weezing. I just feel like I can't get enough air. I try to yawn just to get a deep breath and can't even do that sometimes. And it hits at random times like even when Im doing nothing like watching tv. This is my 3rd pregnancy, 1st girl, but I know they can all be different. She hasn't dropped. I just hope it is her and nothing else. When do babies usually drop?
  • I feel the same way...i plan on bringing it up at my appt this thursday...please update!!!
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