soo annoyed

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
My bd makes me soooo mad. He wants everyone to feel bad because I left him. But I left him because he needs to grow the hell up I have one child and about to have another sorry to say I'm not taking care of him also. I don't care about your views on smoking weed I don't find it acceptable and I don't want it around my children. When. I asked him to quit he kept up the smoking and started growing.

All I want is for him to quit but that's too much for him to do for HIS SON. He did it for an old girlfriend but not me.I'm so upset and repulsed


  • Good for you! I left my sons dad for a number of reasons, drugs was one of them. Regardless of anyone's opinion about weed, it is illegal. if he gets in trouble with weed in your home you can lose your kids, a risk I am never willing to take
  • good choice u did the right thing u dont need that around ur kids especially if someone know hes doing it around ur house and calls the police or something and then they want to take ur children they never think of that dumbasses #-O
  • See I've tried explaining that to him but it doesn't sink in. In fact he just keeps going on about how it helps him and blah blah blah. I just wish he cared enough for me and his son to do the right thing
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