I can no longer have a home birth. I am very upset.

edited August 2011 in Giving birth
My results came back from my 3 hour glucose test. I have GD I am now considered high risk and can no longer have a home birth. I have to give birth in a hospital. a cold sterile hospital where I will probably be hooked up to unnecessary things and given unnecessary drugs and wind up with a C-section for the dr's convenience. I am extremely upset. I am 32 weeks this is very late in the pregnancy to be switching dr's I guess I am just looking for some support right now @homebirthadvocate you are always so supportive. any help?


  • Im really sorry to hear that. :( I wish u lots of luck
  • it doesn't have to be all bad sweetie. it depends on how you look at it. visit the hospital for a tour in l&d. check out their options. and you can always make a birth plan. all you have to do is tell them you don't want to be on monitors except for checks (which they can accommodate and only do so many times). you can have a water birth. you can request for as little intervention as possible. i know it's not what you planned, but it's ok. just revamp your plan and make a new one.
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  • at least you now know and have enough time to make a plan with your doctor.
  • edited August 2011
    @homebirthadvocate my midwives don't deliver babies to GD mommies. They said its for insurance reasons if something goes wrong. I just have been going there for 7 months know and trust my 3 midwifes and to get turfed off like this to someone i don't know is very upsetting. I don't know the hospitals policies on things like natural birth/visitors/moving around during birth/episiotmies so I'm very lost and upset right now. they don't think I need insulin just need a monitored diet so I didn't think I was that high risk but apparently I am. I wish you were close I would have you deliver my baby and I haven't even met you! what do you think of me having most of my labor at home and then going to the hospital when I'm further along?
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  • @imamommysoon.... you DO have a choice in your birth sweetie. you don't have to agree to a csection (although, maybe unless babys health is at serious risk), you dont have to agree to an episiotomy- although ripping might be more painful. now is the time to ask questions. just make a list and go through them every few days and see if you have more questions. visitors are USUALLY limited to 2 antipartum (before birth) and afterwards they vary. hospitals are used to having patients who do not want interventions so it's ok. again, your doc should support your decisions and back you, but guide you.
  • @homebirthadvocate I am online now looking for a new midwife/doula I live in NH and there are sadly very few options for me. I am trying to find recommendations on Dr's that are natural birth friendly. I just feel like this is so late in my pregnancy to have to do this. when I was 6 weeks along is when i found this place because I wanted to be well prepared and now I'm back to square one.
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  • @survivormommie3 thank you for your support. I know i sound like a huge baby right now but I am just scared. I don't want my birth taken out of my hands. I want to be in control and let my body do what its meant too. the hospital near me has an almost 40% c-section rate! ( i just looked it up) and that is a huge amount of women having c-sections and I guarantee that some of those were unnecessary. I have no issues sticking up for what I want I am just thrown through a loop right now as I just found out about an hour ago that everything I had set up has to change
  • edited August 2011
    it's ok hun. it's a pill to swallow and you also have to warm up to the idea, even though it's not an option right now. take a deep breath and realize you can still very much have control. it is birth, so be prepared baby may make a few decisions without you ;) it'll be ok!! I know it's an emotional time. my doctors have been discussing whether natural birth is ok or my first csection is necessary (i have had some issues and surgeries that could jeopardize my future continence). up until today (when i got word natural was ok) i was a nervous wreck. i was scared to death they were going to force a csection on me (in my case, it would have been forced because of my past surgeries). i was very emotional natural birth is important to me
  • I really appreciate everyone's support, I know I need to grow a set and deal with this. and I hate to be the one to blame it all on hormones but I'm sure they aren't helping right now :) everything will be ok I just need to relax.
  • That sucks so bad!! I would be freaking out too. I go to a midwife practice that doesn't deliver at home, but they try to give you the closest thing to home birth in the hospital. I feel the same way about my birth being taken over by the hospital but I am not afraid to put my foot down, and you shouldn't be either! Just remember its your body and your baby and they can't force you to do anything :)
  • @starrxoxo9 I am already typing up my birth plan and i am prepared to follow it unless there is an emergency. I will definitely put my foot down. I plan on having 4 or 5 kids and I know if i wind up with a c-section with my first one it will probably be forced on me with the next ones and i've heard (although i don't know how true it is) that you can only have 3 c-sections. i have to prepare for all possibilities.
  • @homebirthadvocate after i meet my dr if its ok with you i will talk to you about what was discussed and maybe you can help me make a birth plan. I want to go in fully prepared to give birth the way i want. my mom said if i wanted to labor in her bathtub and then go in when its time to push she would support me on that.. but now that I'm high risk this is probably a bad idea...
  • Good for you! And good luck!! I hope it all goes the way you want. I don't think many people know how crucial the birth is to the babies development.
  • I found a hospital near me that has a birth center attachment. they offer water birthing/birthing balls/hypnobirthing etc. I am going to call them tomorrow and see if i can get in to get a tour. it has great reviews online. the rooms are beautiful! so maybe things will be better then I thought....
  • edited August 2011
    I hope you get an awesome doctor! They really do exist. Just remember this--theres no reason to be rude to medical staff, but you CAN make it clear that this is your birth, not theirs. As youve heard, theres a lot you can do to be accomodated even in a hospital. And above everything else, just look forward to the birth of a healthy child. You make the experience, not anybody or anything else. I was in labor for 18 hours after my water broke, and the babies head became wedged in my pelvis. I pushed and pushed and pushed, and the doctor tried his hardest to get the baby adjusted, but his heart rate was dropping and nothing we did was working. When the doctor finally told me that we had to do a csection, I just absolutely bawled. But I could hear my little boy cry the moment they got me all opened up, and the feeling of love and elation I felt as I felt them sliding him out of my belly was unimaginable. Things didnt go the way that I had planned, but it still ended up being the most spiritual event of my life and I still have a healthy baby boy that I cherish more everyday. Moral of the story is that you will be ok and you will be an excellent mother!
  • @captainmorgaine thank you for your support. I truly hope the birth goes the way I want but it might not. I'm glad your little boy is healthy. :) I guess in the end all that matters is i will be a mommy. something I wanted more then anything.
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  • @homebirthadvocate sorry it took me so long to get back to you, my computer broke. I meet with a person from the hospital birth center next wed. this hospital came highly recommended to me, I have also put out an ad on seacoastdoula.com looking for a doula to come with me and advocate what I want. After I meet with said people on wed I will send you a message and see what you think. thanks so much for your support

    @angieahrens I have found a birthing center attached to a local hospital. my nephews wife went there and really enjoyed her experience so I am going to try there and see if they have what I am looking for. I am a little calmer then I was the other day now that I have had time to sit down and look at all options. thanks for your support :)
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